Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Yudha Kandam 57-67

Yudha Kandam (Contd)

Translated by

57.Prahastha , the commander –in-chief goes to the war

(Ravana decides to send Prahastha to the battle field. He tells Ravana that he should have returned Sita. With a huge army in spite of very bad omens   he comes out of the  eastern gate.)

When he heard about the  killing of Akampana, the king of Rakshasas  after  becoming very angry , with a depressed face looked over all his ministers.                                                                                              57.1
After thinking for a little time and holding discussion with his ministers  that Ravana spent the forenoon  going round the city  and inspecting his army.                                                                                              57.2
That city  decorated by flags and banners was guarded  by large numbers   of  Rakshasas and filled with innumerable troops.                                                                                                                                         57.3
Ravana , the king of Rakshasas after seeing his town besieged , at the critical time spoke to Prahastha  who was an expert in war.                                                                                                                               57.4
“Oh expert in war , I do not see any other hope for deliverance of this city which is besieged  and devastated except war .”                                                                                                                                 57.5
"Either myself or Kumbhakarna or yourself who is  my army-chief or Indrajit or Nikumbha and none else could  carry the burden of this great task.”                                                                                                  57.6
“For that reason, you   take hold of a large army  and placing yourself in its middle , go ahead  and achieve victory  over the monkeys.”                                                                                                             57.7
“As soon as you take your decision, the monkey army  which is not stable would run away on hearing the roaring of Rakshasa chiefs.”                                                                                                                     57.8
"The monkeys are unsteady, misbehaved and fickle-minded. They cannot tolerate your sound, similar to elephants cannot tolerate  the lion's roar.”                                                                                           57.9
“As soon as Rama and Lakshmana see that their army is running away, being without any support, they would fall in your hands unwillingly.”                                                                                                      57.10
“A suspected   danger is preferable to the definite one. Though it is for us or against us, please tell what you consider    as good for us.”                                                                                                                57.11
When Ravana told like this to Prahastha who was his commander-in-chief , he spoke to Ravana similar to Usana  the guru of Rakshasas speaking to Maha Bali .                                                                      57.12
“Oh king, earlier we had discussed about this matter with our wise  ministers and after discussion, difference of opinion arose between us.”                                                                                           57.13
“To return Sita  was proposed by me as preferable  and not to do war , as I could foresee  this.”
“I suggested that we return Sita  as a preferable alternative  and not doing so meant war between us.”
“I am not bothered about my wives, riches and sons but  am going to sacrifice my life for your sake in this battle.”                                                                                                                                               57.16
The commander in chief after having spoken like this to his king Ravana , told like this to army captains  who stood before him.                                                                                                                           57.17
“Gather a very large   army of Rakshasas  and today flesh eating birds and animals would feast upon the  dead bodies of enemies struck down by me   by my sharp arrows.”                                  57.18-57.19
As soon as they heard these words those very strong captains of the army  assembled a very huge army in front of the house of that Rakshasa.                                                                                                57.20
Within in a very short time , the city of Lanka was filled by those  elephant like Rakshasa soldiers  who were armed with many weapons.                                                                                                        57.21
When some of those Rakshasas  propitiated the fire God and Brahmins  a  ghee   scented breeze started wafting in that city.                                                                                                                                57.22
Some of those of those Rakshasas wore garlands  of different shapes chanted  with   some sacred  formulae .                                                                                                                                               57.23
With bows and armours those Rakshasas marched  when Ravana was watching them  and went and stood surrounding Prahastha.                                                                                                            57.24
Then, Prahastha who got ready with his weapons and armour, after saluting the king and striking a terrible kettle-drum, mounted his chariot, which was kept ready, yoked  with  extremely swift horses, well controlled by a charioteer, emanating a noise resembling that of a large cloud, actually shining like moon-light, undefeatable  with a flag bearing an ensign of snake, with a good collision-guard, with nice wheels and decorated with a net of pure gold smiling as it were in its magnificence.    57.25-57.27
As per the orders of Ravana ,  speedily Prahastha climbed  the chariot and left city of Lanka  along with a huge army.                                                                                                                                               57.28
When that commander-in-chief started  the sound of kettle drums and conches filled the entire world.
The Rakshasas  with huge forma and bulky   bodies proceeded ahead   of Prahastha shouting with dreadful   sound.                                                                                                                                      57.30
Narantaka, Kumbhahanu, Mahanada and Samunnata, attendants of Prahastha sallied forth, surrounding him on all sides.                                                                                                                                         57.31
He came out of the eastern gate along with a very horrifying  well divided army  , which resembled the herd of elephants.                                                                                                                                     57.32
In the middle of that ocean like large army , Prahastha marched   appearing like God of death at time of final deluge .                                                                                                                                               57.33
Along with the very loud war cries raised by them, all the beings of the city of Lanka also   made very fearful   answering cries.                                                                                                                           57,34
In the  cloudless sky there appeared birds which eat flesh and blood  and flew from left to right around the chariot.                                                                                                                                                    57.35
Fearful jackals vomited forth fire and flames, howling repeatedly. A meteor fell from the sky and the wind blew harshly.                                                                                                                                      57.36
The planets were  in opposition to each other and   lost their brilliance. The clouds, with their raucous sound, showered blood on Prahastha 's chariot and dampened those who were walking in front of it.
A vulture which was facing south landed on the flag of Prahastha  and started making noises seeing both directions  depriving of the  war time luster.                                                                                           57.39
When the charioteer  who was Suta entered the battle ground , the goad from his hand  slipped and fell on the ground several times.                                                                                                                   57.40
The rare splendorous luster that enveloped Prahastha vanished and immediately   the horses  stumbled and fell on the ground .                                                                                                                             57.41
Seeing Prahastha who was well known for his valour  and excellent character  advancing to the battle field , different type of monkey armies advanced towards  him.                                                      57.42
After that  , an exceedingly tumultuous clamour arose among the monkeys as they tore up the trees and seized  them as well as  took hold of huge rocks.                                                                                 57.43
Both the armies of the yelling Rakshasas  and the roaring monkeys were delighted, impetuous and powerful with impatience to slay each other and were  challenging each other with great shouts.
After that  evil minded Prahastha marched towards  the monkey army , hoping for victory , with accelerated speed , just like the grass hopper marches fast towards the fire.                                57.46

Thus ends the fifty  seventh chapter of the book of war   of Valmiki Ramayana    which is the first  book

58.Nila kills   Prahastha

(Prahastha caused havoc in the monkey army by killing huge number  of monkeys. Nila  the commander –in-chief of the monkey  rmy fought with him   with great valour  and killed him. Rama and others appreciated him.)

Seeing Prahastha  coming out prepared for the war , Rama with a smile asked Vibheeshana the destroyer  of enemies.                                                                                                                                  58.1
“Who is this big bodied one  who is coming  with great speed   surrounded  by a huge army? Please  tell me about this Rakshasa who appears to have great valour.”                                                               58.2
Hearing words of Rama Vibheeshana  replied, “ This Rakshasa    called Prahastha is the commander in chief  and he commands  two thirds of the army of  the king of Rakshasas. He has great prowess, valour   and  strength.”                                                                                                                                          58.3-58.4  
Then Prahastha of huge proportions and huge valour   , surrounded  by  very many huge Rakshasas   who were roaring  came out  and saw the very huge army of the monkeys , which made him  angry and shout at the top of his voice.”                                                                                                                            58.5-58.6
Swords, lances, daggers, darts, spears, clubs, maces bars, barbed missiles, various kinds of axes and different bows glittered in the hands of demons, who were running up towards the monkeys  in search of victory.                                                                                                                                                     58.7-58.8
Those tiger like   monkeys who were desirous of  fighting  took hold of many flowering trees  and long and thick stones.                                                                                                                                                 58.9
When they both met a very huge war commenced  and they rained on each other  large number of arrows and stones.                                                                                                                                            58.10
In that  war many Rakshasas killed  very many monkey chiefs and  many monkeys killed very many Rakshasas also.                                                                                                                                                    58.11
Some monkeys were destroyed  by spears and some others by finer weapons. Some were struck by iron bars and some others were slit by axes.                                                                                                          58.12
Also , some fell breathlessly on the  earth  and some were destroyed by the arrows aimed at them with their hearts split open.                                                                                                                                       58.13
Some of them cut by the sword of Rakshasas, trembled  and  fell on earth  and with spear the sides were split open   in case of some.                                                                                                                              58.14
Even the  Rakshasa    army  on all sides were crushed and made to fall  on  the earth by the furious monkeys with tree and mountain-peaks.                                                                                                       58.15
Having been hit with thundering blows  with their hands and terrific  smashing  with their fists, the faces and eyes of Rakshasas were wounded. The Rakshasas vomited great amount of blood.                   58.16
Cries of pains and roars like  lions  and tumultuous sounds were heard in the battle between Rakshasas and monkeys.                                                                                                                                                     58.17
The monkeys and Rakshasas followed   the path of valorous heroes   and they with the cruel and hostile eyes  did many acts with great    courage.                                                                                                      58.18
Narantaka Kumbhahanu, Mahanada and Samunnata all these ministers  of Prahastha killed the monkeys.                                                                                                                                                               58.19
Dvivida  with a mountain peak killed Narathanka who  was speedily rushing after monkeys and killing them.                                                                                                                                                                      58.20
The monkey Durmukha uprooted a huge tree  and with a ready  hand  and crushed  the Rakshasa called Samunnatha .                                                                                                                                                        58.21
The energetic Jambhavan with a great  anger seized a huge rock and threw it on the chest-region of Mahanada                                                                                                                                                              58.22
Then Khumbahanu who attacked Tara  one of the greatest warriors  with a huge tree , received a huge blow from him and died.                                                                                                                                    58.23
Prahastha who was riding on a  chariot  could not tolerate that act  and horrible bow in his hand  caused lot of destruction among the monkeys.                                                                                                          58.24
Then when both armies moved rapidly , a great sound arose  which was like the roar of the ocean which was tempestuous, unfathomable like at the time of deluge.                                                         58.25
Prahastha who was an expert in war, with great anger troubled the monkeys by a great rain of arrows in that great battle.                                                                                                                                                 58.26 
The bodies of dead monkeys and Rakshasas covered an extensive area of land  and looked like a very hideous mountain.                                                                                                                                            58.27 
The ground which was covered by the blood looked like   fully blossomed Palasa trees   with red flowers in the spring season.                                                                                                                                         58.28 
 With the heaps of warriors for its banks,  the broken weapons as  its trees, the flowing   blood  as its huge waves, death appeared like an ocean receiving its floods and had  livers and spleens as  its mire, entrails as  its moss, severed heads and trunks  as the fish, and morsels of flesh  as the grass, the innumerable vultures as  its lovely swans, herons  as its geese and  covered as it was with fat which was  the foam, the tumult the sound  as  its waters, the battle field resembled a river, incapable of being crossed by cowards and   which was  visited by water-fowls at the end of the rainy season and  those Rakshasas and the foremost of the monkeys crossed over that impassable river, as elephants lead their herds across a lake of  the lotus flowers  which is covered with pollen.                                       58.29-58.33
Then Nila saw  Prahastha sitting on the chariot   and finishing off the monkeys using  the rain of arrows.
Seeing Nila who was running  towards him in the battle field , similar to the wind  in the sky  moving away huge clouds , Prahastha, the commander of the army  attacked Nila from his chariot which was shining like Sun.                                                                                                                                       58.35-58.36
That expert among archers who was excellent drew the bow  string  and sent several arrows aimed at Nila in that battle field.                                                                                                                                      58.37
Those arrows which were like furious serpents, which were sent by Prahastha   came with very great speed  and after hurting Nila fell on the ground.                                                                                        58.38
That great monkey  Nila who was valorous  hurt by those   arrows which were like a flame , got up   for hitting the difficult to be attacked Prahastha  uprooted  one big tree and jumped on him.    58.39-58.40
Unable  to  stop the series of arrows  of that evil minded Rakshasa, Nila received them all  with closed eyes.                                                                                                                                                                    58.41
Like a bull  standing under the torrential showers of the autumn which came quickly, Nila with closed eyes  tolerated the impassable shower of arrows  of Prahastha though it was difficult to be tolerated.
Greatly enraged by the arrow rain , hurling   a very huge Sala tree  at them  Nila killed the horses  of Prahastha.                                                                                                                                                            58.43
Then Nila with his mind filled with great anger  quickly broke  the bow of the evil minded Rakshasa   and shouted again and again.                                                                                                                                  58.44
Being deprived of his bow , that Prahastha who was the army chief  took hold of a horrifying mace  and jumped from the chariot.                                                                                                                                   58.45
Those two army chiefs  who were shivering due to the enmity between them , with all their limbs covered with blood , were standing like elephants in rut.                                                                           58.46
Like lion and tiger in their gaits , like lion and tiger in their gestures  those two heroes tore at each other with their sharp teeth  and they both who were destroyers of enemies , thirsting to obtain great fame  fought like Indra and Vrithrasura.                                                                                                         58.47-58.48
With great exertion  Prahastha hit Nila on his head with his mace  and blood oozed from the forehead of Nila.                                                                                                                                                                        58.49
After that , that monkey Nila  whose entire body was smeared with blood , became angry  and seized a huge tree  and struck Prahastha   on his chest.                                                                                           58.50
Without any thought about  that hit  , taking another huge mace , that chief of the army   ran towards Nila  who was a monkey.                                                                                                                                  58.51
Then that monkey Nila seeing Prahastha running towards  him in great speed , took hold of a huge rock with great speed.                                                                                                                                                58.52
Seeing Prahastha who longed for war and was fighting with a mace , Nila took a big rock   quickly and threw  it at him.                                                                                                                                                   58.53
That great rock released  by Nila   the monkey chief  broke the head  of Prahastha  in to very many pieces.                                                                                                                                                                    58.54
That Prahastha who lost his breath, was disfigured and dead, bereft of his senses and at once fell on the ground like a tree cut up by the root.                                                                                                               58.55
Blood flowed profusely from his broken head  and blood also streamed from his body like a waterfall in the mountain.                                                                                                                                                      58.56
After seeing Prahastha , their leader being killed by Nila, his unshakeable   army of Rakshasas became confused  and withdrew in to Lanka.                                                                                                                58.57
After their army chief was killed , the army could not continue to stay  firmly in the battlefield , like water cannot stay near a breached bridge.                                                                                                    58.58
That Prahastha the chief of Army having been slain, those demons became  dumb , dispirited and inactive, went back  to the abode of their king. They became unconscious as if they  were plunged in an ocean of burning grief.                                                                                                                                       58.59
The victorious  Nila, however, was honoured by Rama and Lakshmana for his  great job  well accomplished and experienced supreme joy.                                                                                                58.60

Thus ends the fifty  eighth chapter of the book of war   of Valmiki Ramayana    which is the first  book

59.Ravana   enters the battle field

(When Prahastha was killed Ravana himself entered the battle field. He send back , his commanders, sons and brothers to guard the fort and fort the monkeys along with his army. He hurt  or killed large number of monkey chiefs.  Lakshmana who fought with him was greatly wounded by his spear. Rama fought and defeated him  but spared his life at that time and send him back.)

When in the battle with the bull among monkeys  seeing that many Rakshasas as well as their chief had died in the battle they who were having huge weapons , with a speed of the ocean ran away .          59.1
They all went to the king of Rakshasas   and told him  that their chief was killed by the son of fire God  and hearing to their words , the Rakshasa chief  became very angry.                                                        59.2
After having heard that Prahastha was killed in the battle , The heart of Ravana was filled with grief as well    as anger  and then he told the chiefs of army  , similar to Indra talking to Deva chiefs.             59.3
“This   enemy should not   be underestimated because  they killed the commander of my army  as well his army and elephants who had earlier defeated the army of Indra .”                                                59.4
“So without any hesitation , I shall myself go to the wonderful  battle field  for killing the enemies and getting victory .”                                                                                                                                                 59.5
“”I shall myself burn the monkey army along with Rama and Lakshmana  by using several arrows like a forest is burned  by setting it fire  and then I shall satisfy the earth by performing oblations with monkey blood.”                                                                                                                                                                   59.6
After saying this  Ravana , the enemy of Indra mounted  the chariot which was shining like  flame of fire  which is yoked to excellent horses  which had excellent shining body.”                                                  59.7
Then the king of Rakshasas went along  with sound of kettle drums, conches , cymbals,  clapping of hands   and line like roars after being honoured and worshipped and after auspicious praises were sung.
That chief king of Rakshasas  along with mountain and cloud  like  meat eating Rakshasas  who had sight like burning torch  and also surrounded by ghosts  and shined like Rudra surrounded by   Devas.  59.9
He who had  great luster and looked like mountain   came out of the city  saw the powerful army of monkeys  who were as big as an ocean holding trees and mountains  , ready for war and roaring like  vast ocean and thunderous clouds.                                                                                                         59.10
Seeing that excessively furious Rakshasa    army , Rama whose hand resembled great serpents  and was accompanied by his own army ,  told to Vibheeshana who is an expert in knowledge of shastras . 59.11
"Who is the  commander  of this army, furnished with every kind of standard, banner and canopy and  armed with javelins, swords, stakes and other weapons and missiles and composed of imperturbable soldiers and elephants as high as the Mahendra Mountain?"                                                               59.12
Hearing the words of Rama , Vibheeshana who has valour similar to Indra   told Rama facts about that great army  who are lead by  the foremost among the Rakshasas.                                                       59.13
“Oh king , the great one who has the face of  black colour and who resembles the rising sun and comes riding on an elephant and making it shake its head is Akampana.”                                                       59.14
“He who is  standing on the chariot and holding a bow  which is  more lustrous than bow of Indra , who has lion inscribed on his flag , who shines like an elephant with curved tusks  and who is famous for the boons that   he received from Brahma  is Indrajit.”                                                                                   59.15
“ That mighty warrior who holds the bow   of unequalled   size  similar  to Vindhya, ashta and Mahendra mountains  and who stands  on a chariot , who  has superior strength  and  has a very huge body is Athikaya .”                                                                                                                                                           59.16
"That  great   one  who has tawny eyes resembling the dawn, riding on   an elephant with its bells jingling, who is shouting aloud and who  is  a strong Rakshasa   is called Mahodara."                         59.17
“He who is climbing on  a horse caparisoned in gold  , who is raising high his spear, who is the speed of the thunderbolt  and resembles a mountain of evening clouds  is Pisacha. “                                      59.18
“He who holds a sharp  spear  with the luster of lightning  , which had  the speed of thunderbolt   and comes riding on an excellent  bull shining like moon , is the well known Trisiras.”                             59.19
“The other one who resembles a thunderbolt , who has large well developed chest . who has a mind that  understands  , who has king of snakes on his flag  and who is moving and twanging his bow , is Khumbha. “                                                                                                                                                                            59.20
“He who is  holding a diamond studded golden mace  , who is lustrous as well as smoky , who is advancing as the flag bearer of the army  is Nikhumbha  who has done wonderful valorous exploits. “
“He holds a bow and arrow as well as sword and has a flag  and has a form of raging fire and who shines lustrously on  the chariot is Naranthaka , who fights with the mountain peaks  in the war.”             59.22
He who is  surrounded by ghosts of dreadful form  and has  rolling eyes, with heads of tigers, buffalo mighty elephants, deer and horses, under an excellent white canopy with slender ribs and shining like a moon and  is the  one who humbles   the gods themselves, shining like unto Rudra amidst the Bhoothas , is the great  Lord of  Rakshasas  there."                                                                                                59.23-59.24
“He wears  swinging ear studs and crown  and is similar to the mountain king Vindhya  and has a huge body , has destroyed the pride of Lord Indra and Lord Yama themselves , is the king of Rakshasas  and  is the one shining like Sun God.”                                                                                                                        59.25
Rama then replied to Vibheeshana who was the destroyer of enemies “What a majesty and what glory has this king of Rakshasas   has?”                                                                                                                 59.26
“Ravana is difficult to be gazed  similar to the Sun, and due o his clear form  which is covered with lustrous radiance  eyes cannot rest on him.”                                                                                               59.27
“The body of the heroes among Devas and Dhanavas    are not similar to his  and does not have a shine like the body of the king of Rakshasas.”                                                                                                       59.28
“All the warriors who fight  along with Ravana are mountain like and use mountain as weapons  and also hold many lustrous weapons.”                                                                                                                       59.29
“Surrounded by the fiery ghost like Rakshasas , Ravana  who is the king of Rakshasas   shines like Lord of death , surrounded by his hideous   assistants.”                                                                                         59.30
“By good luck , that sinner has fallen today on the orbit of my sight  and I will release on him my anger born out of the abduction of Sita.”                                                                                                               59.31
After saying the valorous one took out his great bow  and followed by Lakshmana , drew out an excellent    arrow.                                                                                                                                            59.32
After  that , that powerful Ravana spoke to those exceedingly strong Rakshasas as follows: "Take up your positions unfalteringly and happily at the gates and principal exits, the outposts and fortifications."59.33
“When the enemy knows that I am with you here , taking it as a weak point , the united monkeys may storm the desolate city and  destroy it by surprise.”                                                                                    59.34
Thus the king of Rakshasas dismissed all his ministers and those Rakshasas went back to the city    and Ravana entered the ocean of monkeys , just like a gigantic fish with the intention  would split the entire ocean.                                                                                                                                                                   59.35
Seeing the   king of Rakshasas  holding a shining  bow entering in the battle field  and advancing   in to it , the king of monkeys  uprooting a   huge mountain top  ran towards him.                                            59.36
Holding that peak of  mountain completely filled with trees  , he threw it at the   king of Rakshasas and he seeing it advancing towards him , Ravana using  arrows with golden shafts  broke it into pieces.
When that tall mountain peak with well developed trees    fell down on the ground  that Rakshasa who was the lord of the world , like the God of death  sent an arrow resembling a serpent .                 59.38
Taking that arrow which has the speed of thunderbolt  and possessing the luster of fire  and which  had the swiftness of Indra ‘s thunderbolt , Ravana sent it to kill Sugreeva.                                                59.39
That arrow when released from the hands of Ravana , it having the splendor of  the thunderbolt of Indra  speedily pierced the body of Sugreeva , similar to the spear of Lord Subrahmanya pierced the Krouncha  mountain.                                                                                                                                                          59.40
Wounded by that arrow, which made   him unconscious, that warrior fell moaning  on the earth. Seeing  him falling on the ground, deprived of his senses in the battle-field, the Rakshasas  raised a shout of triumph.                                                                                                                                                         59.41
Then, monkeys  Gavaksha, Gavya, Sushena, Rishabha, Jyotimukha and Nala who all had a very huge   tearing up rocks, rushed towards Ravana.                                                                                                    59.42
That king of Rakshasas using very sharp arrows  made their attacks with things to throw as useless  and with  several arrows well shafted with gold wounded all those chiefs of monkeys.                             59.43
By the arrows of the king of Rakshasas who  was enemy of devas  , those monkey generals having a very  huge form , were wounded and fell on the ground  and afterwards , he started hurting  the monkey army with very many   arrows.                                                                                                                        59.44
The wounded and fallen down warriors  , were stuck with great  arrow of fear  and those monkeys pained by the arrows of Ravana  went and sought protection of Rama, who protects all.                 59.45
Then the great one who was a skilful archer , Rama , took his bow  and set out at once but Lakshmana with  folded hands approached him  and spoke the following relevant words.                                  59.46
“Oh Noble one , my skills are sufficient to kill  this very bad  one and so permit me so that  I can kill that Ravana.”                                                                                                                                                            59.47
The truly valorous Rama  who was greatly lustrous told him, “Go Lakshmana    and be successful  in this fight .”                                                                                                                                                               59.48
"Ravana is endowed with great strength and possesses an outstanding prowess during a war. The Three Worlds themselves could not withstand his fury. There is no doubt about it."                                 59.49
“Hide your weaknesses  while searching for his weaknesses  and then protect yourselves properly with your eye    as well as the bow.”                                                                                                                    59.50
Lakshmana after hearing the words of Raghava hugged him  and worshipped him  and after saluting him went   for  the battle.                                                                                                                                     59.51
Then he saw Ravana with elephant like hands  with a huge bow which was greatly shining  who with a great rain of arrows was  attacking  those monkeys whom he had wounded badly .                      59.52
Seeing this the greatly lustrous Hanuman who was the son of wind God  to put an end to that  magic of arrows  rushed towards Ravana.                                                                                                                59.53
After approaching the chariot ,  valorous Hanuman lifted his left arm  and threateningly spoke the following words to Ravana.                                                                                                                         59.54
“You have got a   boon  that   devas , Dhanavas, Gandharwas , Yakshas    and Rakshasas should not be able to kill you  but not against  monkeys  and therefore they are  dangerous to you.”                 59.55
“This raised  right hand of mine which has five branches  will rob you of your soul  which has been residing  in your body.”                                                                                                                              59.56
The greatly valorous Ravana after hearing these    words of Hanuman , with anger inflaming his eyes  told the following.                                                                                                                                       59.57
“Without any hesitation hit me monkey and get  everlasting fame  and after knowing your strength by that , I shall destroy you .”                                                                                                                        59.58
After hearing the words of Ravana , the son of wind God told” Please remember that  I have killed your son Aksha earlier.”                                                                                                                                    59.59
Once he told this , the greatly lustrous  king of Rakshasas  Struck with his palm    the valorous son of  Wind God.                                                                                                                                                  59.60
Struck by the palm  , Hanuman repeatedly   reeled for a second  but he secured his balance within another second , and greatly enraged  he hit  the enemy of the devas by his own palm          59.61
Struck by the palm of that great monkey , the ten necked was shaken like a mountain when the earth trembles .                                                                                                                                                  59.62
Seeing That Ravana was beaten by a palm in the battle the sages, the monkeys , Sidhas , Asuras and devas  cheered.                                                                                                                                        59.63
After getting his breath back  that greatly lustrous Ravana told  , “Well done , Oh Monkey hero . You are a proper adversary for me.”                                                                                                                    59.64
When Ravana told like this Hanuman replied back, “Cursed   be your strength   for  in spite of my valour, you are still alive .”                                                                                                                                    59.65
“Oh evil minded one, why this boasting? Now again strike me and then  my fist will send you to the world of  god of death.”                                                                                                                          59.66
Hearing the words of Hanuman,  Ravana ‘s     anger was greatly inflamed and then with  blood shot eyes  , lifting his right fist with great zeal hit  forcefully  at that valorous monkey.                      59.67-59.68
Hanuman who was stuck on his broad chest  reeled again and again  and seeing that might Hanuman was exhausted , Ravana turned his chariot  towards  Nila.                                                                59.69
The ten necked king of Rakshasas  With great serpent like arrows which can pierce greatly , wounded the vital parts of  Nila , the   commander of monkeys .                                                             59.70-59.71
That Nila the commander of the monkey army  tormented by the flood of those arrows , with one hand lifted a mountain top and threw it  on the chief of Rakshasas.                                                                 59.72
Meanwhile, Hanuman  of   a great   mind, burning with courage, regained his breath and in his  battle rage  cried out furiously towards Ravana, the Lord of  Rakshasas who was  occupied in fight with Nila as follows: "It is not proper to engage in a combat with another  person when  he is    already doing a fight with another."                                                                                                                             59.73-59.74
But that greatly lustrous Ravana  using seven  very sharp arrows struck that mountain and it fell down , broken in to pieces.                                                                                                                                          59.75
The commander of the monkey army observed  that  the mountain was broken in to pieces  and that destroyer of the enemy  due to his anger glowed like fire  of death.                                                    59.76
In that fight, Nila hurled Aswakarna trees, Sala trees with extensive flowering, Chuta trees and other various types of trees.                                                                                                                                    59.77
Ravana confronted all those trees  and broke them to pieces   and rained many horrendous arrows at the son of  the fire God.                                                                                                                                59.78
Showered by large number of arrows as if it was raining from the cloud  , that very strong one assumed a very tiny form  and jumped to the end of the flag of Ravana.                                                           59.79
Seeing that the son of fire God was sitting on his flag post , Ravana burned with   anger and then Nila shouted loudly.                                                                                                                                             59.80
Seeing that monkey occupying the tip of the flag, tip of the bow and tip of the crown , Lakshmana, Hanuman and Rama were greatly astonished.                                                                                       59.81
That greatly lustrous Ravana  seeing the agility of the monkey was astonished  and then took a wonderful and greatly lustrous  arrow called agneyastra( arrow of fire.)                                         59.82
Thereafter, those monkeys who felt happy  to see Ravana disconcerted at the agility of Nila and having found an occasion for jubilation, shouted joyously.                                                                             59.83
Greatly provoked by the shouting of the   monkeys  was confused in his mind and did not  know what has  to be done .                                                                                                                                          59.84
Ravana  using that arrow of fire  god  shot at Nila , the monkey who was sitting on the top of his flag.
That king of Rakshasas  Ravana who was greatly lustrous  told to Nila, “Oh monkey  you are extremely agile and endowed with knowledge of magic.”                                                                                      59.86
“Oh monkey now , if you can try to save your life , though you are doing numerous acts  of various kinds  which are worthy of yourself.”                                                                                                                   59.87
“In spite of that , the great arrow that I am releasing   charged with mystic strength  , would take away your life, which you are trying to protect.”                                                                                              59.88
After saying like this the great  king of Rakshasas Ravana , after placing the arrow on the bow  ,  struck the commander of monkey army with it.                                                                                                 59.89
That arrow with mystic power  , hit Nila on the chest  and he was completely burnt   down and fell on the floor .                                                                                                                                                        59.90
Due to the powerful help from his father  and his own innate luster  Though he was brought to the knees on the floor , he did not lose his life.                                                                                              59.91
The ten necked one interested in fighting war , after seeing the monkey lying unconscious rushed in his chariot towards Lakshmana.                                                                                                                        59.92
That Ravana  who was  the  greatly famous  the king of Rakshasas  approached Lakshmana who was in the middle of battle field , halted Lakshmana and   stood before him  lifting his great bow.      59.93
That Lakshmana   who had indomitable courage  spoke  to Ravana who was raising    his indomitable bow “Oh king  of Rakshasas , you please fight with me as you should not fight     against monkeys.”  
Hearing those words of Lakshmana     resembling   the twang of  a bow in  full pitch of that sound , Ravana approached Lakshmana , came near to him and spoke these furious words.                       59.95
“Oh son of Raghu clan, due to good fortune , at last you have come within ambit  of my sight , so that   you will meet   your death  Immediately you would be  going  the land  of death  after you are killed by the hail of my arrows.”                                                                                                                                  59.96
Then without expressing any surprise  seeing Ravana who was roaring through his teeth “OH king of evil doers , you have been boasting about  yourself  and dignified people   do not roar.”                      59.97
"Oh  King of Rakshasas I know  about your valour, strength, energy and courage.  Come  here as  I   now stand here, with my bow and arrows in hand. Of what use are vain boasts."                                     59.98
Riled like this the king became enraged    and loosened  seven of  great  arrows  which were decorated by great feathers , which Lakshmana broke with  gold ornamented arrows  which had sharp edges.
Seeing that the arrows were broken like the hoods of  great Cobra were  shattered , Ravana got very angry  and dispatched several sharp arrows.                                                                                         59.100
The younger brother  of Rama then showered  large  number of arrows  called Kshura, Ardha Chandra, karni and  Bhalla  using his bow  and broke arrows of Ravana   without getting perturbed.         59.101
Seeing that  his various sets of arrows are going in vain , the king who was enemy of devas  was greatly  astonished  at the skill of Lakshmana  and once more sent several arrows.                                     59.102
That Lakshmana who was equivalent  to Devendra  fixed on his bow sharp and  lightning like swift arrows , which were  greatly  lustrous  and sent them aimed at Ravana with an intention   of killing him.
Then  Ravana the King of Rakshasas  shattered those pointed arrows and struck Lakshmana in the forehead with a shaft as bright as the Fire at deluge  , which had been bestowed on him by Brahma the Lord of Creation.                                                                                                                                         59.104  
Being hit by Ravana’s arrow Lakshmana  reeled a little and holding firmly his bow , he regained his consciousness  and he with difficulty shattered the bow of  the enemy of Indra and devas.       59.105
Then after breaking his bow  ,  the son of Dasaratha stuck  and pierced   the king with three arrows, he swooned and later regained consciousness  with great difficulty.                                                   59.106
That Ravana who was the enemy of devas , whose bow was broken  and limbs shattered and greatly wounded  letting out blood , with formidable energy seized  a spear gifted to him by Lord Brahma  for continuing the battle .                                                                                                                            59.107
Then Ravana , the lord of the country of  Rakshasas  hurled  on Lakshmana    with all  his strength  that spear  which was shining and burning like fire  , emitting  smoke  and frightening the monkeys in the battle field.                                                                                                                                               59.108
The younger brother of Bharatha  with several arrows  and darts stuck that spear  as if it is a sacrificial fire but  that spear entered the  broad chest  of Lakshmana .                                                        59.109
The mighty son of Raghu clan    fell hit by the  very mighty spear  on earth and was breathing hot breath and the king  suddenly rushed  there and brutally seized him  in his two hands.                       59.110
Though he could  earlier lift Himalayas, Mandhara and Meru mountain along with the Gods  there , he could not lift  the younger brother of Bharatha.                                                                              59.111
The son of Sumithra though he was wounded  on his chest  by the weapon given by Lord Brahma , he recollected that he was   a minute part of Lord Vishnu himself.                                                   59.112
Ravana the thorn on   the body of devas  who had removed the pride of devas and dhanavas , though he could   hit Lakshmana ,  he was not able  to carry  him with his hands.                                       59.113
At that time the very angry son of wind God  rushed towards Ravana  and struck him angrily  by his fist which resembled    the thunderbolt .                                                                                                59.114
By  the hit of his fist , Ravana the king of Rakshasas  reeled and fell on the earth   on his knees . 59.115
A lot of blood flowed from his face , eyes as well as his ears  and he reeled and fell motionless  and sat in the middle   of the chariot .                                                                                                                              59.116
Seeing Ravana despite his  very great strength  lying swooned on the battle-field, sages and monkeys began to shout in that  victory  as  also    did the devas  and the Dhanavas.                                           59.117
Then the very lustrous Hanuman  carrying Lakshmana who was wounded  by Ravana   on his shoulders  and brought him nearer to Lord Rama.                                                                                                         59.118
It was due to the friendship and devotion that Hanuman had  towards  Lakshmana , that  made him fight for him    though he could not be moved by his enemies.                                                                        59.119
That spear  leaving Lakshmana who   was  made not conscious  in the battle  went back  to its place  in the chariot of Ravana.                                                                                                                                    59.120
 The greatly lustrous  Ravana who regained consciousness in the great battle field , got hold of his sharp arrows  and  his great bow.                                                                                                                            59.121
Freed  of the lance and healed  of his   wounds , Lakshmana the destroyer of his enemies  recollected that he was a part of   the Lord Vishnu , who was beyond thought .                                                    59.122
Seeing the dead monkey warriors of that great army  in the battle field,  Rama  rushed towards  Ravana.
And then Hanuman approached Rama  and told him the  following words , “You should punish that Rakshasa    riding on my back in the  fight with this enemy of Gods, like Lord Vishnu rides   on Garuda.”
Hearing those words spoken by Hanuman the son of Wind-God, Rama  mounted  on the great monkey, Hanuman. Rama the Lord of men then saw Ravana standing in his chariot in the battle-field.  59.126
When the greatly lustrous one saw him , he rushed to him like Lord Vishnu rushed towards Virochana  with uplifted mace.                                                                                                                                    59.127
After making a twang sound in his bow , Rama  spoke in a deep voice resembling the roll of thunder to Ravana.                                                                                                                                                         59.128
“Oh tiger among Rakshasas , Stay , stay there, after  creating  an act of such displeasure against me, where can you go?”                                                                                                                                  59.129
“ After you have come near me , even if you go and hide in the world of Indra, Yama  the god of death or Sun God  or go away in any of those ten directions , you will not escape from me.”                   59.130
“The one whom you fell by using your spear  went in sorrow but has regained his consciousness  and he assuming the form of death will kill you with your sons and grandsons.”                                     59.131
“He is the one who killed fourteen thousand great Rakshasas in Janasthana , who were horrifying to look at  and who were well equipped with  all great  weapons.”                                                             59.132
When the very strong king of Rakshasas heard these words of Rama  who was being carried  by the very speedy Hanuman in the battle  , with great anger recollected his former enmity with him , stuck him with  the flaming arrows resembling the flame of death at deluge.”                                  59.133-59.134
Though that Rakshasa hit him with his arrows ,  the luster   around Hanuman who  by innate nature was lustrous , further increased.                                                                                                                       59.135
Then the greatly lustrous Rama seeing the wound made by Ravana on the  tiger among monkeys , flew in to extreme rage.                                                                                                                                       59.136
Going near Ravana’s chariot with his sharp and pointed arrows, Rama shattered it along with its wheels, horses, banner, canopy, great standard, charioteer, darts, spears and swords.                               59.137
Then he struck the broad and pretty   chest of the  enemy of Indra with arrows which were similar to  the great Indra  striking  the Meru mountain  with his thunderbolts.                                                 59.138
That king of Rakshasas whom  neither  the fall of thunder or lightning can disturb , nor cause any trembling ,  stumbled  though he was greatly valorous hero  and the bow  that he was holding fell due to the great arrow of Rama , which also injured him.                                                                                 59.139
Rama seeing that Ravana was fainting  took up a lustrous arrow with a crescent tip  and broke his crown which was shining like Sun God  of that king  of Rakshasas.                                                                     59.140
Rama then told  that king of Rakshasas  whose splendour had reduced because of his broken crown , who resembled a venomous snake  and who was bereft of luster  like a Sun who has lost his luster 
“You have accomplished a huge and great job as my brave soldiers have succumbed to your blows . I have made you weak in mind and weary in the body for that reason  and because of that I will not put you under   the clutch of death now.”                                                                                                           59.142
“OH Rakshasa king , I know that you have been tormented in this battle  and so return to your city of Lanka . After you have regained your breath come again riding on a chariot  with your bow and then you will witness  my fighting strength.”                                                                                                                 59.143
When he  heard these words, with his pride and joy destroyed , with his shattered bow , with his horses and charioteer  being slain , with body pierced by arrows and with his crown broken, he immediately  returned to Lanka.                                                                                                                                             59.144
While that mighty Ravana the Lord of Rakshasa   who was  the enemy of devas  and Dhanavas  returned to Lanka, Rama arranged for drawing out arrows from monkeys and from Lakshmana too, in the forefront of that vast battle-field.                                                                                                                   59.145
When that enemy of the king of devas    was defeated , devas, asuras , all beings  from all the directions , all beings of the sea  and all great serpents  and all beings in earth and water  rejoiced.                   59.146

Thus ends the fifty  ninth chapter of the book of war   of Valmiki Ramayana    which is the first  book

60.Ravana  orders to wake up Kumbhakarna

(When Ravana sees there is no other go , he orders people to wake up Kumbhakarna.  With lot of difficulty  he is woken up. After satiating his great hunger and thirst he comes to meet Ravana.   Seeing him from outside the city the monkey army    is  greatly scared.)

That king entered the city of Lanka after  with great fear for arrows of Rama , with his pride destroyed  and was greatly troubled in his senses.                                                                                                              60.1
The king was overcome by the great Rama like , the elephant fears the lion and the serpent   fears    the Garuda.                                                                                                                                                                     60.2
The king of Rakshasas  became mad when he remembered  the arrows of Rama  which were like the staff of Brahma  and had great splendour.                                                                                                         60.3
Resting on the auspicious great seat made of Gold , he looked at the other Rakshasas    and spoke the following words .                                                                                                                                                     60.4
“All the great penance that  I did has become useless  for I who am like Indra has been defeated by a mere human being.”                                                                                                                                              60.5
“The terrible words of Brahma  which were told to me that “Please be afraid of human beings”    seems to have come true.”                                                                                                                                               60.6
“I sought from him immunity from death  by  Devas, Dhanavas, Gandharwas  , Rakshasas , serpents  but I did not mention about the human being.”                                                                                                         60.7
"Rama the son of Dasaratha is the man I think of whom Anaranya who was born in the Ikshuvaku dynasty formerly spoke, saying: 'O, the worst of Rakshasas , the worst of your race and the wretched one, In my race will be born a man who will slay you in battle with your sons, ministers, army, horses and charioteer."                                                                                                                                            60.8-60.9
“ Long ago  I was cursed by Vedavathi when I  humiliated her. I think  that Vedavathi in now born as  the greatly fortunate Sita  to the king Janaka.                                                                                                      60.10
"What was predicted by Parvathi the consort of Shiva, Nandikeshvara the attendant of Shiva, Rambha the wife of Nalakubara and Punjikasthala the daughter of Varunda has  now become true for the words of the sages never prove false."                                                                                                                      60.11
“Because of all these  you must all put in  very great effort for my sake. Let all  the Rakshasas go to the top of the charya mountain.”                                                                                                                         60.12
“Awaken that Kumbhakarna who is  matchless  in his great prowess and who is capable of humbling the pride   of  all devas and Rakshasas and who has been cursed by Lord Brahma.                                       60.13
Already knowing that Prahastha  has been defeated  and killed  in the battle, Ravana gave a great order   to the Rakshasa army.                                                                                                                                        60.14
“Guard all the gates with great care    and climb and man the Ramparts  and also please awaken Kumbhakarna who is sleeping soundly”.                                                                                                       60.15 
“Now Kumbhakarna is sleeping happily  with his mind not disturbed by time  and that Rakshasa    sleeps  either nine or seven or ten or  eight months.”                                                                                             60.16
“Nine days he participated in discussion with me  and has then fallen asleep. Quickly awaken  that mighty Kumbhakarna.”                                                                                                                                    60.17
“ The very strong Kumbhakarna , the greatest among all Rakshasas  will soon kill all the monkeys   and the two princes in the battle.”                                                                                                                        60.18
“This Kumbhakarna , the chief among all Rakshasas  performs greatly in battle  but being fond of rustic comforts always stupidly sleeps.”                                                                                                                 60.19
“If Kumbhakarna is awakened there is no worry for me , who has been defeated in the battle by Rama.” 
“What is the use of Indra like strength to me  in this time of great sorrow , if he is not able to help me.”
Those Rakshasas as soon as they heard these words of the king of Rakshasas  , very briskly  with alertness went to the house of Kumbhakarna.”                                                                                           60.22
Entering the beautiful cave of Kumbhakarna, with a large door, having an area of a Yojana on all sides and bearing a floral perfume, the mighty  Rakshasa , though shaken off by Kumbhakarna 's breaths, remained stable forcefully with difficulty in that  cave.                                                                    60.23-60.24
Entering that pretty cave inlaid with gold and precious stones  those tigers among Rakshasas  saw the greatly valorous one sleeping .                                                                                                                         60.25
They together tried to awaken Kumbhakarna who was sleeping in an irregular manner  like a spread-out mountain in a great slumber.                                                                                                                            60.26
His limbs  were covered with  hairy blanket  which stood  to the  end and he was breathing like a serpent,.  Kumbhakarna of irresistible valour emitted dreadful snores through his horrible nostrils  , and his mouth  was  like a gaping hell. Stretched to his full length on the earth, he gave forth an odour of marrow and blood, and his limbs were adorned with golden armlets and he  also wore a crown as bright as the sun. Like this  that lion among Rakshasas , Kumbhakarna, the slayer of his  enemies slept.
Then those great Rakshasas  in order to satisfy Kumbhakarna when he wakes up kept in front of  him a heap of properly cooked meat of hunted animals  as  high as mount Meru.                                       60.30
Those excellent Rakshasas piled up a great mass of wonderful food with the meat of deer, buffaloes and pigs.                                                                                                                                                                     60.31
Also  the Rakshasas  placed pots of blood and various kinds of meat in front of Kumbhakarna.     60.32
Then they rubbed the destroyer of the enemies with  , the most rare sandalwood paste  so that he would be refreshed  as also  kept divine  flowers garlands and sweet smelling scents near him.  60.33
Then those Rakshasas burnt various types of scented incenses  and sang hymns  of praises about him  who was killer of his enemies  and shouted and made loud noises all around him.                         60.34 
They blew conches which resembled the full moon in colour  and without patience , created tumultuous sound all together .                                                                                                                                        60.35
Those Rakshasas   created sounds by clapping their hands, in order to awaken Kumbhakarna and  also shook him  and created  a great clamour.                                                                                                60.36
The birds passing through the sky ran helter-shelter and fell down  as soon as they  heard  the sounds of the conches, drums, gongs, clapping of hands and lion like roars.                                                      60.37
When the great soul Kumbhakarna was not   waking up in spite of this great sound   , the Rakshasa took hold of pestles, iron rods  and maces and ran towards him.                                                                60.38
Then, those  cruel demons struck that sleeping Kumbhakarna on his chest with mountain-tops, pestles, maces, hammers and their fists.                                                                                                                60.39
In spite of all their strength , the Rakshasas could not stand upright  before the breathing   of that Kumbhakarna Rakshasa.                                                                                                                              60.40
Then those greatly valorous Rakshasas sat firmly among Kumbhakarna  and began to beat drums, cymbals , Kettle drums  and play on different type of conches and trumpets.                                 60.41
Ten thousand Rakshasas surrounded  him  and all at once started beating that giant  who was like a heap of  collyrium  and   tried to wake him up but in spite of that he did not wake up.                           60.42
Since they were   not able to wake him up  they started adopting more energetic and horrifying  methods.                                                                                                                                                        60.43
They starting  beating horses, camels , donkeys  and elephants  with sticks, thongs and whips  so that they trample upon him and  made al beings  blast  conches  and drums  kettle drums .                60.44
They lifted  with all their strength  and crushed his limbs  under very heavy logs and pillars .       60.45
Due to that great sound the huge city of Lanka  along with its mountains and groves was filled with sound but yet he did not wake up.                                                                                                             60.46
Then they started  playing one thousand huge drums all around him  with sticks  of refined gold . 60.47
In spite of all this he did not wake up from his profound sleep  as he was   under  the  spell of a curse  and because of this all the Rakshasas  became angry.                                                                           60.48
All those very greatly valorous ones were   greatly enraged  and those Rakshasas  joined together   all their strength .                                                                                                                                               60.49
Some beat huge drums, some  made great sound   and some of them    tore their hair  and some others bit his ears .                                                                                                                                                     60.50
Some of them poured hundreds of pitchers of water   in his ears  and that Kumbhakarna who was  very deep sleep did not even stir .                                                                                                                       60.51
Some strong ones, armed with rocks and hammers, struck the rocks and hammers on his head, chest and other limbs.                                                                                                                                             60.52
Though wounded by fire missiles on all sides or tied by  several ropes on all sides , that huge bodied Rakshasa   did not wake up.                                                                                                                        60.53
When a  thousand elephants ran up and down on his body then Kumbhakarna lightly woke up and became aware of the pressure.                                                                                                                  60.54
Being insensible to those violent blows of huge stones  and trees  which were hurled upon him, but under the prompting of extreme hunger, Kumbhakarna suddenly sprang up from sleep, yawning due to loss of sleep.                                                                                                                                                    60.55
Waving his arms  which were like   serpent's coils or the peaks of mountains and which  were hard as cut diamonds, that Rakshasa opened  his monstrous mouth like  the face of a submarine fire and  yawned.
When he   yawned horribly  , his mouth  was something like the nether world  and appeared like the sun raising up  under the peak of Meru mountain.                                                                                         60.57
After yawning greatly that Rakshasa woke up  and heaved a sigh which was like a storm from the mountain.                                                                                                                                                           60.58
When Kumbhakarna woke up and stood up , his form  resembled the world at deluge when it is prepared   to swallow all beings.                                                                                                                     60.59
His huge  greatly fire like flaming eyes  had a glitter similar  to lightning  and appeared like the lustrous great planets.                                                                                                                                                    60.60
Then, the Rakshasas  showed to him  various kinds of  eatables , boar and buffalo. The mighty Kumbhakarna devoured  all of them.                                                                                                           60.61
The very hungry  enemy of devas  ate all the  meat and being thirsty  drank all the blood and  gulped several pitchers of  fat  and wine.                                                                                                                   60.62
Understanding that he is satiated   of his hunger  the Rakshasas  saluted him with a bent head    and surrounded him from all sides .                                                                                                                       60.63
With a sleep tied eyes  which was completely  confused and blurred  , he directed his glance on everyone of those Rakshasas and told them.                                                                                              60.64
That great Rakshasa    then soothingly spoke to all other Rakshasas, as he was surprised  to be woken up  and  said.                                                                                                                                                             60.65
“Why have I been woken up by you so suddenly ? Is the king all right?  Is there any danger we are facing?”                                                                                                                                                              60.66
“Or there must be some great danger from an external source  , because you have woken me up so suddenly .”                                                                                                                                                       60.67
“I would now drive away the great fear of the   king of Rakshasa  even if I have to cut Indra in to pieces  or  freeze the fire.”                                                                                                                                        60.68
“Like this for some silly reason I am not normally woken up  and so tell me the  true reason   for waking me up.”                                                                                                                                              60.69
When Kumbhakarna , the destroyer of his enemies spoke   like this excitedly , Yupaksha  the minister of Ravana with hands   folded in salutation told.                                                                                       60.70
“There is not even a little fear created by Gods  at any time  but   there is tumultuous fear created by a man   who is driving us back.”                                                                                                                   60.71
"Oh king,  It is not indeed the devas  or Rakshasas  who have put us in such a peril as it comes to us from a man."                                                                                                                                                           60.72
“Mountain like monkeys have surrounded the city of Lanka  and there is great danger to us from Rama who is  greatly angry due to abduction  of Sita,”                                                                                    60.73
“Earlier a single monkey  burned our city and also killed our prince Aksha  along with his attendants as well as   elephants.”                                                                                                                                     60.74
The King of Rakshasas , who is the son of sage Paulasthya and who is the killer of devas  was told “You go now.”  By Rama  who is equal in luster   to the Sun God.”                                                                   60.75
“That which the king has never suffered    with devas , Rakshasas and Dhanavas , he had to suffer from Rama , who released him from the danger  of his life.”                                                                       60.76
Hearing about the humiliation suffered by his brother     from Yupaksha , Kumbhakarna replied Yupaksha , rolling his eyes.                                                                                                                                          60.77 
“Oh Yupaksha , only after winning over the monkey army  and Lakshmana     and Rama on the battle field  , would I see  Ravana.”                                                                                                                     60.78
“I would satisfy the Rakshasas with the meat and blood  of the monkeys and I myself would drink the blood of Rama and Lakshmana.”                                                                                                             60.79
Hearing these words told by him  with haughtiness and anger  increased by his ferocity , A Rakshasa chief called Mahodhara  saluted him and told him.                                                                            60.80
“Even after hearing the words of Ravana    and  after analyzing  the pros and cons  , oh great one, you can claim victory from the enemy.”                                                                                                                60.81
Hearing the words of Mahodhara , the greatly lustrous  ad very strong Kumbhakarna surrounded by other Rakshasas , prepared  himself to depart.                                                                                   60.82
After waking up  from sleep that Rakshasa with a huge eyes  , who has great body   and great valour , the Rakshasas  went to the palace  of ten necked one speedily  .                                                          60.83
When all of them  went the ten necked one was  seated on the  throne  and all the Rakshasas together  told him with  hands held  in salutation.                                                                                              60.84
"Oh , Lord of Rakshasas , Kumbhakarna, your brother, has woke up  Is it your will that he should enter the battle field from there itself or do you desire him to come here and see you?"                   60.85
Ravana to all those Rakshasas who were  standing before him  told with a glad heart, “ I would like to see him here and so  let him be honourably received  in a befitting manner .”                              60.86
As commanded by Ravana    all the Rakshasas told him, ”So be it”,  returned back to Kumbhakarna    and told him.                                                                                                                                                       60.87
“The king of all the Rakshasas    wants to see you  and so go and tell him what is in your mind and make him happy.”                                                                                                                                                  60.88
Kumbhakarna   who is difficult to be defeated , obeying the orders of his brother  saying “So be it”, got from his  seat to depart.                                                                                                                             60.89
Washing his face and bathing, refreshed and delighted, adorning himself well and feeling thirsty, he hastened them to bring him a drink which can boost up his strength.                                              60.90
Then , those Rakshasas  brought him quickly the wine and various kinds of eatables there, in their hurry to take Kumbhakarna with them as per Ravana's commands.                                                             60.91
After having drunk two thousand pots , he started on his strip slightly dizzy  and  flushed but   full of  energy.                                                                                                                                                            60.92
The angry Kumbhakarna who was going to his brother’s house along with  other  Rakshasas  appeared like  Yama , the God of Death  at the end of time  and he caused the earth to tremble with his footsteps.
He illuminated the royal avenue  by the shine of his body   which resembled the thousand rayed sun  illuminates the earth,  surrounded by a circle of Rakshasas  who were saluting him  and he resembled Indra , the lord of devas approaching the abode of Lord of Brahma .                                                        60.94
Seeing that destroyer of enemies walking in the royal avenue , all the monkeys who were standing outside the town  along with their leaders were frightened suddenly.                                                      60.95
Some of them sought protection from Rama  who protects others ., some of them tottered  and fell down,  and some ran away scared  and some of them were lying down on earth in great   fear.   60.96
Seeing that  huge giant appearing like a great peak, having a  crown and   who seemed to touch the sun with his brilliance, the monkeys were seized with  great fear  and had grown immensely in size or fled hither and thither.                                                                                                                                            60.97
 Thus ends the sixtieth  chapter of the book of war   of Valmiki Ramayana    which is the first  book

61.Vibheeshana tells about Kumbhakarna

(When Rama asks about him Vibheeshana tells that Kumbhakarna was his elder brother. Right from childhood due to his great hunger he used to eat large number of animals and men. Indra , fought with him and was defeated. Then Brahma cursed him , that he would forever sleep.   When Ravana requested he modified the curse saying he would sleep for six  months and then keep awake for a day.  Rama  makes his monkey army ready to battle with him.)
Then the very lustrous Rama  who   was a valorous one and took his  bow  and saw the huge bodied Kumbhakarna   who was wearing a crown.                                                                                                  61.1
Seeing that Rakshasa chief  who was similar to a mountain , taking strides  across like Lord Narayana , Rama became  vigilant.                                                                                                                                    61.2
Again seeing him who was like   appearing like a water rich black cloud  , wearing a golden bracelet on his arm  the army of monkeys started running away .                                                                              61.3
Seeing the monkeys running away and Kumbhakarna progressively growing  in  size , with a great surprise Rama asked Vibheeshana.                                                                                                               61.4
“A valorous Rakshasa who is like a mountain  wearing a crown  with tawny coloured eyes   and looking like a cloud  is seen within Lanka. Who is he?”                                                                                           61.5
‘He is the only one with such a huge body  and is looking like a comet . seeing whom all monkeys are running here   and there.”                                                                                                                               61.6
“I am able to see him with a huge size . Is he a Rakshasa  or asura  and I have not seen such a being any time      earlier.”                                                                                                                                                 61.7
Asked like this by the   prince Rama who never got tired of his actions , the very wise Vibheeshana    told the  son of Kakustha clan like this .                                                                                                               61.8
“He is the very famous Kumbhakarna  the son of Visravas  who had  defeated the God of death as   well as Indra in a battle  and there is no other Rakshasa   who has his size of the body.”                           61.9
"Oh  Rama,  He  had conquered thousands of devas , Rakshasas ,  serpents , asuras, Gandharwas ,  Vidhyadharas and Kinnaras  in battle.”                                                                                                    61.10
“The very strong Kumbhakarna has slanted eyes , armed with a spear  and the devas were not able to kill him and thought that he was God of death personified.”                                                                      61.11
“The very strong Kumbhakarna by his nature  is energetic and mighty and unlike other Rakshasas these   are not attributable to boons.”                                                                                                                    61.12
“That great one as soon as he was born was affected by very great hunger and ate  several thousands of living creatures.”                                                                                                                                            61.13
“While he was eating these living beings ,  greatly scared others went to Indra  and sought his refuge  and also told him the reason.”                                                                                                                    61.14
“The Indra was greatly angry with him and struck him with   his Vajrayudha  but the great soul Kumbhakarna  struck by the weapon of Indra , became greatly agitated  and roared loudly due to anger.”                                                                                                                                                             61.15
“Hearing further the great roar of the Rakshasa Kumbhakarna, the people were frightened further .”
“The very strong Kumbhakarna became very angry with Indra and  pulled out the tusk of Iravatha and  struck it on the chest of Indra .                                                                                                                  61.17
“Due to the hit of Kumbhakarna , Indra was further enraged  and the devas , Brahmin sages and Dhanavas were  further aggrieved  and went  to Lord Brahma.”                                                         61.18
“They informed him of the evil acts of Kumbhakarna and told him how  he ate living creatures , how he punished the devas , how he destroyed hermitages and how he took away wives of others.”
They told him, “If he continues to eat all  living creatures daily  , in a time not far away  the world would become empty.”                                                                                                                                 61.21
After hearing the words of Indra, the grandfather of all the world  called all Rakshasas and Kumbhakarna was also among them.”                                                                                                                                  61.22
Loird Brahma himself was frightened  on   seeing Kumbhakarna  and for consoling others he cursed Kumbhakarna like this.                                                                                                                                  61.23
“It is definite that sage Paulasthya created you for the sake of destruction  of the world  and from now onwards you would sleep looking like dead.”                                                                                           61.24
“Due to the effect of the curse of Brahma , he fell down in front of them  and Ravana who was greatly agitated  spoke as follows.”                                                                                                                          61.25
“Oh Lord Brahma, you are trying to cut a golden tree when it is about to bear    fruits  and it is not proper for you to curse your great grandson like  this.”                                                                          61.26
“There is no doubt that your words would not go in vain. Let him sleep but let there be  some gap between his waking up and sleeping .”                                                                                                       61.27
Hearing the words of Ravana , Lord Brahma told like this, “Let him sleep for six months and let him keep awake for one day.”                                                                                                                                        61.28
“On a single day this valorous Rakshasa , having starved for six months , he would wander all over the earth  and eat the human race with his mouth wide open , like an augmented fire.”                       61.29 
“That Ravana who got in to sorrowful plight  and is frightened by your might   has  awakened Kumbhakarna.”                                                                                                                                               61.30
“This   greatly valorous Rakshasa  has started out of his home  and that very angry one  is running towards us devouring monkeys  on his way.”                                                                                          61.31
“Even by just seeing him , the monkeys have run away  and how can they    try to stop him  in this great battle .”                                                                                                                                                           61.32
“Let all monkeys be told that   it is a machine which is coming forward  and by knowing this they may become fearless.”                                                                                                                                          61.33
Hearing the words of Vibheeshana with the good intention of monkeys to fight , Rama told the following words to commander-in-chief  Nila.                                                                                                                61.34
"O Nila the son of fire-god. Go, and arrange   the entire army. So that they Occupy  the door-ways, high-ways and bridges of Lanka,  and stand ready for  the battle."                                                                    61.35
“Please collect mountain tops , huge trees   and stones and let the monkeys  armed with these   weapons be ready.”                                                                                                                                           61.36
As instructed by Rama, Nila the commander of the monkey army  passed orders to  the army of monkeys accordingly .                                                                                                                                       61.37
Then, Gavaksha, Sarabha, Hanuman and Angadha looking like mountains, reached the gate, taking the mountain-tops.                                                                                                                                                   61.38
Hearing the words of Rama those fearless monkeys  and took  up  huge trees and started tormenting those Rakshasas.                                                                                                                                                61.39
That terrific army of monkeys, with uplifted rocks and trees in their hands, shined  like a huge  collection of gigantic clouds, hanging close to a mountain.                                                                                         61.40

Thus ends the sixty first   chapter of the book of war   of Valmiki Ramayana    which is the first  book

62.Ravana requests Kumbhakarna to help him

(Ravana explains the difficult situation created by the arrival of Rama and the monkey army. He requests Khumbakarna to help him.)

Then that great Rakshasa  along with drowsiness  of sleep marched   through the royal avenue  full of royal dignity .                                                                                                                                                     62.1
That one who is extremely difficult to be defeated  surrounded by thousands of Rakshasas started going with rain of flowers from the surrounding homes.                                                                                     62.2
Then he saw the  spacious home of the  king of Rakshasas , covered with golden  grilled windows looking like  the shining sun.                                                                                                                                        62.3
Entering in to Ravana ‘s palace like the sun entering the cloud , he saw his elder brother sitting on a throne like Indra seeing Lord Brahma    seated  on his seat.                                                                  62.4
When he was going to his elder brother’s home surrounded by  Rakshasas, Kumbhakarna   made the earth to shiver with his footsteps.                                                                                                              62.5
When he went to his brother’s home and entered the  inner apartments , he saw his worried elder one sitting on the Pushpaka Vimana.                                                                                                                62.6
Seeing that Khumbakarna has arrived  the ten necked one got up from his   seat immediately  and with joy brought him  near him.                                                                                                                         62.7
After sitting on a comfortable seat  , the very strong Kumbhakarna  saluted his brother  and asked  him, “what needs to be done?”                                                                                                                         62.8
Ravana got up from his seat  and embraced  Kumbhakarna    and when embraced  Kumbhakarna became happy  by his brother and occupied  an auspicious   and Charming seat.                                        62.9    
Then that very strong Kumbhakarna  resting on his seat , with blood shot eyes due to anger  said the  following.                                                                                                                                                    62.10
“oh king , for what purpose have I been woken up by you with great effort ? Tell me from whom do you expect danger for you here and he would be a dead person.”                                                         62.11
Brother Ravana  , rolling his eyes in   annoyance   told   the following to the very angry Kumbhakarna. 
“Oh strong one , you have been sleeping for a very long time  and as you were sleeping you did not know about the great fear that  I have from Rama.                                                                             62.13  
“This strong  Rama who is the    son of Dasaratha along with Sugreeva  after  crossing the ocean  is cutting short our clan.”                                                                                                                              62.14
“Alas , Lanka , coming by a bridge   the ocean of monkeys   have  covered the entire Lanka   with its   forests  and gardens.”                                                                                                                                62.15
“In the battle the monkeys have killed many of the Rakshasa chiefs  but I am not able to see reduction in the numbers  of the monkeys and the monkeys have also not been defeated  in this war so far.
“Oh strong one,  a very grave danger has arisen   and I need your help in destroying   them and that is why , you have been woken up.”                                                                                                                     62.18
“You protect this Lanka whose treasury has become empty  and where only children and senior citizens are  left over and also rescue me.”                                                                                                                  62.19
“Oh very strong one , do this difficult to perform act for the sake of your brother  and Oh destroyer of enemies, I have never requested like this to any one before this.”                                                         62.20
"I have a great respect and affection towards you. Oh  the foremost of Rakshasas,  several times, in battles between gods and Rakshasas, you conquered the devas  and Rakshasas after attacking them in the battle."                                                                                                                                                          62.21
“Oh person of  very great  valour, , since there is no one equal to you  in strength in this world, show  your complete strength.”                                                                                                                                  62.22
“Oh person who loves war , Oh Rakshasa who loves your relations  . , perform this excellent job which is very dear   and useful to me  as per your liking . By your own luster blow away all these enemies , like a speedy wind blows away     all  the clouds.”                                                                                                   62.23    

Thus ends the sixty second   chapter of the book of war   of Valmiki Ramayana    which is the first  book

63.Kumbhakarna tries to advise  Ravana,

{Kumbhakarna   tells Ravana that he should have taken heed to advice of Vibheeshana. Ravana gets angry, Kumbhakarna promises to kill Rama as well as the monkey  army.)

Hearing   to that lamentations of the king of Rakshasas, Kumbhakarna laughed loudly    and then told him.                                                                                                                                                                       63.1
“In the ministerial advisory meeting , the same  bad result was foreseen  by some of us   and what consequence you are facing is  due  to utter disregard  of  the advice of well wishers.”                       63.2
“Like a doer of wicked deeds  falls in to the hell speedily , the punishment for your sinful act  has reached you fast.”                                                                                                                                               63.3
“Firstly you did not properly  think about this course of action and did not think of its consequence  due  to sheer arrogance of your valour.”                                                                                                               63.4
“He  who does duties  which ought to have been done earlier  later  and does duties which ought to be done later , earlier , cannot differentiate between the right and wrong  course of action.”              63.5
“Action not done at proper time and place  gives unexpected results   like offering oblations in   fire  not properly lit gets spoiled.”                                                                                                                                63.6
"He, who acts according to an agreement reached along  with his counselors after considering three types of duties, by harnessing  five types of means, moves along a right course."                    63.7
1). Conclusion of peace through conciliation. 2) acceptance of allegiance through gift. 3) invasion, as a method of coercion.
 1) The method of initiating an actions. 2) Personality and material to be worked upon. 3) Time and place of action. 4) Provision against mischance and 5) chances of success.

 “A king who wants to take action as per Sastras, understands it through  his intellect  and counselors  as well as friends  and takes the  right decision.”                                                                                        63.8
“Oh lord of the Rakshasas  a man takes action intending to achieve  Dharma, Artha and Kama or  combinations of any two of them based  on a suitable time.”                                                           63.9
“If any king or crown prince  , having heard about  what  is the best   among these  three types of action  and does not bother about it, all his learning would be waste.”                                                       63.10
“Oh best among the Rakshasas , any  intelligent one  who discusses  with his ministers   and decides on giving away, entering in to peace    or  forging enmity   at a particular time as the suitable course or exhibits his valour   or resorts to all the three together  with or without show of valour  or takes proper action or takes  improper action  at the right time  and  practices Dharma  , Artha or Kama   at the appropriate time   never faces misfortunes in this world.”                                                     63.11-63,12
“A king should do an act aiming  at his welfare in consultation with his ministers  who are  innately intelligent and  who understand   the true state of a situation.”                                                     63.13
“Men like animal intelligence  initiate consultations  and want the advisers  to tell them   advice without knowing  about the proposal or without knowing Sastras.”                                                            63.14
“The advice given by people who do not know Sastras , who do not know recommendations of books dealing with practical life   and who are desirous for great wealth   should not be accepted.” 63.15
"Those men who talk with audacity , some inimical things in a friendly way, are to be kept out of deliberations, as they certainly spoil the work to be done."                                                            63.16
“Some advisors collude with our intelligent enemies and for  bringing  down the destruction of their lord ,make them do wrong  things.”                                                                                                            63.17
“The king should investigate and find out his ministers who try to help his enemies  who are really enemies though they seem to be friends through their conduct   and avoid them in the final  consultations,”                                                                                                                                        63.18
“Outsiders quickly find out the fickle decisions made by the king , who is lead away by false appearances , like the birds find out  about the hole made in Krouncha mountain.”                                        63.19
“Anyone who does not bother about the enemy  and is not bothered to protect himself  would face disappointing occurrences and would be removed from his position.”                                      63.20
“The advice given to you earlier  by our younger brother  is a proper advice to you  and his words were beneficial .Please do whatever you want.”                                                                                      63.21    
When the ten necked one heard   these words of Kumbhakarna  , he twisted his eye brows in anger  and spoke the following words.”                                                                                                                63.22 
“You are advising me like a most respectful teacher . What is the use of this speech which makes you tired .Please do at the proper time the proper action.”                                                                 63.23
“It is a waste of time to mull about wrong actions done earlier  either by error   or due to illusion of the mind   or by taking  shelter on valour.”                                                                                             63.24
“Please think about what is the most suitable action now, without thinking about the past , for past has already gone.”                                                                                                                                        63.25
“if you have  real affection to me ,  if you have faith in your valour  and  if you think that you are  fit  and if you think that my job indeed has to be done , solve with your strength   the problems   due to my wrong conduct.”                                                                                                                                                  63.26
"He who rescues a suffering  soul, whose fortune is ruined  is  his   real friend. He who is ready at hand to help those who have deviated from the right course, is his real relation."                            63.27
Kumbhakarna hearing those  very harsh words spoken by Ravana with great anger  spoke  to him in a slow and smooth manner.                                                                                                                 63.28
Observing that his brother   is angry and perturbed , Kumbhakarna talked  gently  trying to console him.
“Oh king who is the destroyer of your enemies  , please listen to me with attention . Enough of giving way to sorrow like this, Oh king of Rakshasas. Give up your anger and become your normal self.”
“Oh king, as long as I live you should not worry. I would destroy all of them because    you are greatly sorrowing.”                                                                                                                                                    63.32
Whatever may be your situation  , I have to  tell you what is good for you,  I gave that advice because of our relationship and my brotherly affection to you.”                                                                                  63.33
“Now see  what is going to happen in the battle field . I will do    the due to your brother as well as relation , and do the destruction of your enemies .”                                                                                63.34
“Oh great hero, please see  my killing Rama and Lakshmana   in the battle field and the running away of the monkey army.”                                                                                                                                   63.35
“Oh great hero,  I am sure you would be happy on seeing Rama’s head brought by me from the war and Sita would be sad.”                                                                                                                                           63.36
“Let all the relatives of Rakshasas  of Lanka  who have lost their near relatives in battle , see the death  of the most beloved Rama today.”                                                                                                                    63.37
"Today, I shall wipe  off tears of the Rakshasas , who have been afflicted with grief and lamenting because of the destruction of their relatives in combat by the enemies."                                          63.38
“See in today’s battle  Sugreeva the king of the monkeys  who is like a mountain being dissipated like   a huge cloud being dissipated   by the light of the sun.”                                                                           63.39
“Oh faultless one,  why are you looking agitated when you are being consoled by me   and the Rakshasas who are desirous of killing Rama.”                                                                                                            63.40
“Oh king of Rakshasas , Rama will  kill you only after killing me  and I do not have any regrets because of that.”                                                                                                                                                             63.41
“Oh  very valorous  destroyer of enemies , even now you can order me to do anything that you desire   and there is no need to send any one else   to the battle.”                                                              63.42
"I can destroy your enemies, who have a great strength. I can engage in combat with all those persons, whether he is Indra or Yama or the fire-god to the wind-god or even Varuna."                         63.43
“Since I have a mountain like huge body and hold a very sharp spear  and have  very  sharp teeth   ,  even  Gods gets scared of me.”                                                                                                                                 63.44
“Even when I am not armed with any weapon , no one can stand alive  before me  as I can smash the enemies by my strength alone.”                                                                                                          63.45
“Even when I am not armed  with  Javelin or mace  or sharp arrows  , If I get excited , I can even kill Indra with bare hands.”                                                                                                                                   63.46
“If Rama is able to tolerate  the speedy blows of my fist , then my  flood of arrows would drink the blood of Rama.”                                                                                                                                                 63.47
“Oh king, when I am alive  why  do you suffer because of anxiety ? I am now ready to march in to the battle field  for the destruction of  all your enemies.”                                                                    63.48
“  Please leave out the great fear of Rama    , for I am going to kill Raghava,  the strong Lakshmana . Sugreeva   also Hanuman who destroyed our city of Lanka,”                                               63.49-63.50
“I am going to eat all those monkeys   who are near me and I want add extraordinary reputation to you.”
“Oh king even if you fear of Indra or Lord Brahma himself  , I would destroy them like the sun removing the darkness for when I get very angry , even devas  will lay down on the floor.”                       63.52
"I shall extinguish even Yama the god of death. I shall devour the fire-god. I shall cause the sun along with the stars to fall asunder on the floor."                                                                                          63.53
“I shall kill Indra , I shall drink the ocean  , I shall crush the mountains and I shall tear up the earth.”
“Let all the beings of the world see the valour of Kumbhakarna who has been sleeping for a very long time  for I am going to eat all of them   and not even the heaven would be sufficient food for me.”  
"I am going to bring you happiness and make you happy  by the destruction  of Rama. Having killed Rama along with Lakshmana, I shall devour all the chiefs of army of monkeys."                         63.57 
“Oh king , enjoy yourself  , drink as much wine as you like    and throw away all your sorrow  and do your normal jobs for I am going to send Rama to the world of Yama. Afterwards Sita would   start obeying your words.”                                                                                                                                               63.58   

 Thus ends the sixty  third   chapter of the book of war   of Valmiki Ramayana    which is the first  book

64.Mahodhara advises  Ravana

(Mahodhara tells Kumbhakarna that  what he told Ravana was impolite. He also tells him that he should not  go  to the nettle alone. He then tells a plan to deceive Sita  and make her belief that  Rama has been killed.)

Hearing those words of the very strong Kumbhakarna with a huge body, Mahodhara   told.     64.1
“Though you are  born in a great clan   you look like one who is a rustic ,Being arrogant you do not  seem to know what is the  right thing to do,”                                                                                                 64.2
“It is not correct to say that our king does not know what is prudent and not prudent   but you like a child   wants to simply talk.”                                                                                                                  64.3
“That great Rakshasa  knows about time and place to do things  , knows when to support and when to attack  and knows about him as well as others.”                                                                              64.4
“  A wise man would not attempt to disobey   and not to serve the elders  like one who has rustic brain.” 
“You are  talking as if Dharma , Artha and Kama have a separate existence  but there are no properties known about them to define them.   “                                                                                             64.6
“Action is the reason and cause for attaining anything  and fruit of prosperity is also obtained by sinful acts.”                                                                                                                                                      64.7
“Apart from Dharma and Artha    other acts which are unjust but aimed at prosperity   also leads one to prosperity.   .”                                                                                                                                        64.8
“All beings   get fruit of good actions in this world and in other worlds  but he constantly does actions   aimed at carnal pleasures also gets joy in this world.”                                                                  64.9
“Because of that , the king liked to do such acts aimed at pleasure   and it has been approved by us also  and what is wrong in doing such acts against the enemy?”                                                    64.10
“As regards your reason for marching alone , it appears to me to be irrelevant and not  so good.” 
“How will you conquer   that Rama single-handed  , who all alone killed several Rakshasas in Janasthana.”                                                                                                                                     64.12
“Are you   not seeing very many frightened  powerful Rakshasas who were    conquered by him in Janasthana living in the city.”                                                                                                        64.13
“That Rama   the son of Dasaratha   is like a very angry lion  and you wish to awaken that serpent who is now sleeping.”                                                                                                                                 64.14
"Who would be able   to approach that Rama, who is forever shining with a splendor, dangerous to catch-up and as unbearable as death?"                                                                                        64.15
“To me it is doubtful whether  you would be able to stand  facing him  and I do like the idea of  your going alone there.”                                                                                                                            64.16
“When one loses advantage to an enemy , one  will not  feel like to  surrender to the enemy , but when you have an advantage , why should you lay down  your life like an uncivilized person?”  64.17
“Oh great Rakshasa  how are you proposing to fight with Rama who is greater than all other human beings  and who is equal to Indra   and the Sun God.”                                                                64.18
After speaking like this to the very angry  Kumbhakarna  , Mahodhara in the middle of Rakshasas  told Ravana who makes other people cry .                                                                                          64.19
“Having already captured  the daughter of Videha, why this delay  on your part, because if you desire her , she would be submissive  to you.”                                                                                         64.20
“I have  found out a trick   by using  which would make Sita obey you  and if it is agreeable to your intellect, then please listen to it.”                                                                                                   64.21
"Make a public announcement with best of drums that  myself, Dvijihva, Samhraadi, Kumbhakarna and Vitardana  are the  five Rakshasas  are setting out for the battle to kill Rama."            64.22
“Then we all would go to the battle-field  with effort   and offer fight to the enemy  and if we conquer the enemies  then there is no need for any strategy.”                                                              64.23
“But if the enemy  is able to survive  , we who have fought   shall implement the strategy we thought of in our mind.”                                                                                                                                    64.24
 "Moistened with blood on having our bodies torn with arrows marked with the name of Rama engraved on them, we shall come back here from the battle."                                                              64.25
“We  will come and clasp your feet   saying “We have already eaten Rama and Lakshmana.” And you will fulfill  our request.”                                                                                                                            64.26
“Oh king , then as per our  request  beating trumpets kept on the back of the elephant , you will get announced that Rama , Lakshmana and their army has  been killed.”                                     64.27
“Then being pleased with all of us    you arrange to give  us who are your servants   objects of enjoyment, other  objects of desire  , slaves and gold.”                                                             64.28
"Then,  you will  present garlands, garments and cosmetics to the great heroes  as well as abundant gifts to other warriors and  enjoy yourself by drinking "                                                                      64.29
"When this thick rumour spreads everywhere  that Rama along with his  friends  have been eaten  by the Rakshasas  ,  you approach Sita in private and  after restoring her  confidence and even conciliating her, tempt her with gold and grain, as well as luxuries and precious stones."                     64.30-64.31
“Because of this false  news , , the fear and sorrow will increase  and when she realizes that she has lost her husband , without willingness she  will become yours.”                                                    64.32
“Convinced that her pretty husband   has been lost  , due to hopelessness  and due to flexible feminineness , she will come under your control.”                                                                   64.33
“She   who has brought up with lot of comforts , who deserves happiness but is sorrowing  realizing pleasure depends on you will come under your  control.”                                                     64.34
"After  deep thought  , I have conveyed  this to you  . As soon as you see Rama, a calamity will happen to you . While you stay here itself without fighting, you will obtain a great benefit of happiness. Do not become restless."                                                                                                                            64.35
"Oh  king,  An emperor who conquers his enemies without losing his army, without meeting with danger and without a combat will obtain for long, a great fame, merit, prosperity and glory."   64.36

Thus ends the sixty  fourth   chapter of the book of war   of Valmiki Ramayana    which is the first  book

65.Kumbhakarna   marches to the battle field.

(Ravana makes fun of Mahodhara and permits Kumbhakarna   to march ahead along with protective army. Kumbhakarna assumes a very huge form marches ahead  terrifying all the monkeys.)

Hearing the words of Mahodhara, Kumbhakarna  rebuked him   and told his  brother Ravana who was the king of Rakshasas.                                                                                                                                     65.1
”Leave out  the horrible fear that you have towards the bad soul Rama  because I am going to wipe him off.  Be happy without enmity.                                                                                                                     65.2
“Valorous  heroes do not roar like  a waterless cloud  and see  me roaring on completion  of my task.”
“Heroes do not indulge   in self praise  and  without advertising they    would complete   very difficult tasks.”                                                                                                                                                              65.4
“Oh Mahodhara your words are suitable to the kings who are confused  or those who are stupid but consider themselves as learned.”                                                                                                              65.5
“You are all cowards and tell the king what is pleasing him  and  you do things according to wishes of the king leading to destruction  of jobs undertaken.”                                                                                   65.6
“Gaining control of the king , pretending to be friendly with him ,  you have depleted the treasury , got his army destroyed   and made him alone in the town of Lanka.”                                                      65.7
“With the only aim in conquering the enemy  , I shall go the battle today , to set right the wrong policies advised by you.”                                                                                                                                          65.8
When the king of Rakshasas heard these words of great prowess from Kumbhakarna , he burst out laughing and told.                                                                                                                                        65.9
“Oh brother who is an expert in  warfare  , there is no doubt that Mahodhara is scared of Rama  and that he is not inclined  to a war.                                                                                                                     65.10
“Oh Kumbhakarna  there is no one who loves me like you or any one of your strength   and so  go and kill the enemy and return after victory.”                                                                                                     65.11
“ Oh destroyer of enemies, You who were sleeping was summoned by me towards the destruction of the enemy  and this period is indeed great.”                                                                                  65.12
“So go armed with your spear like God of death with  his noose  and eat away all the monkeys and those princes ho shine like Sun.”                                                                                                                   65.13
“Just by looking at your form, all the monkeys would run away  and the hearts of  Rama and Lakshmana would be broken down.”                                                                                                                      65.14
The chief of the Rakshasas after talking like this  to   the greatly lustrous and very strong Kumbhakarna   felt as if he has   taken another birth.                                                                                                      65.15
Knowing about the great strength of Kumbhakarna and also his great prowess , the king was greatly delighted  and  looked   as bright as the moon.                                                                                       65.16
 The very strong  Kumbhakarna who was spoken to in this manner by the king , being ready to fight marched from there.                                                                                                                            65.17
That destroyer of enemies speedily took   a  splendidly lustrous  sharp spear  made of iron  , which was decorated by Gold.                                                                                                                              65.18
Taking hold of that large spear tainted with the blood of enemies which  was  shining like Indra 's thunderbolt and equally heavy, capable of tormenting devas, Rakshasas, Gandharwas, Yakshas and Nagas , wreathed in garlands of crimson flowers with excessive splendor and emitting flames by itself naturally, Kumbhakarna of great brilliance spoke to Ravana the following words.     65.19-65.20
“I am going alone there angry with great hunger   , leaving the army here  and I will eat  Monkeys who are there.”                                                                                                                                                    65.21
“When Ravana heard the words of Kumbhakarna  he told, “Go   surrounded by the army armed with spears  and maces.”                                                                                                                            65.22
“The great monkey who get speedily ready for anything . will destroy any one who is alone   or not careful.”                                                                                                                                                65.23
“So go  surrounded  by  an army  of Rakshasas  very difficult to defeat , go and kill all our enemies,”
 Rising up swiftly from his throne, Ravana endowed with a great energy, then placed around the neck of Kumbhakarna, a necklace studded with Manikhya gems.                                                        65.25 
Ravana placed on the person of Kumbhakarna, armlets, rings, excellent jewels  and a handsome necklace.                                                                                                                                           65.26
Ravana made him wear   auspicious sweet smelling garlands   on all his limbs  and gave him ear studs for his ear.                                                                                                                                              65.27
Kumbhakarna who had very large ears   wearing armlet and bracelets  on his upper arms along with ornaments for his breast , shined like fire fed with oblations.                                             65.28
With a large, black and shining string worn round his loins, he was looking like Mandara mountain encircled by a serpent at the time of churning for Amrutham (nectar).                            65.29
Wearing a very heavy golden armour which cannot be pierced by weapons   and shining like lightning  , that king   shined like the king of mountains  , covered  by clouds at sunset.                  65.30
Decorated by ornaments in all his limbs and holding a spear  that Rakshasa shined like Lord Vishnu  in the incarnation of Trivikrama   who was enthusiastic.                                                         65.31
After  hugging his brother and  also after going round him   and saluting him with a bent head  that very strong man departed.                                                                                                                 65.32   
Along with the departing  of the  huge bodied and very strong one , he also send huge sound   and blessings .                                                                                                                                      65.33
He who was a great charioteer   was also accompanied by elephants ,  horses,  chariots  driven by expert charioteers  making great sound   and also loud sound created by conches and drums.    65,34
The very strong Kumbhakarna  who was terrifying was   also followed by  Rakshasas    riding on serpents  , camels, donkeys  , lions, elephants  , wild beasts and birds.                                                 65.35
When he who was the enemy  of Devas  and Dhanavas   armed   with a sharp spear  departed  , a parasol   covered with showers of  flowers was held over his head  and he was  intoxicated   by the smell of  bird   and drinks.                                                                                                                                          65.36
Many Rakshasas , possessing a great energy and great strength, with terrific forms and fearful eyes, as also wielding weapons in their hands, accompanied him as foot-soldiers.                          65.37
The Rakshasas who were difficult  to be defeated    followed, with their red hot eyes, large colossal bodies resembling a mass of collyrium in colour , lifting up spears , swords, sharp axes, javelins, iron rods, maces, mallets and  enormous trunks of Palmyra trees.                                              65.38-65.39
Then, that Kumbhakarna, of a great luster  and a great strength, assuming another body of a formidable and terrific form, with a breadth of a hundred bows and six hundred bows in height, with his eyes resembling the wheels of a cart, looking like a huge mountain and terrible to look at,  departed .
That huge Kumbhakarna who resembled a huge scorched  mountain  and who had a very huge mouth   laughing loudly told the Rakshasas.                                                                                                 65.42
“Now   with great anger   I would burn  that army of   monkey chiefs  in lots  like a flame of fire would burn the moths.”                                                                                                                                65.43
“Of their own  accord those monkeys who wander in the forest have not offended me   and those  monkeys are used in  gardens of city like  us  for  entertainment.                                               65.44
“The primary cause for attacking of our city is Rama accompanied by Lakshmana    and suppose we kill them  all others  are killed and so I will kill Rama today.”                                                           65.45
When Kumbhakarna was speaking this way  to the Rakshasas  all of them gave rise to a loud noise   which  is likely to agitate the ocean.                                                                                             65,46
When the greatly powerful  Kumbhakarna  was departing , from all sides  many omens of several evil forms appeared.                                                                                                                                65.47
Ash coloured clouds resembling donkeys   combined with  meteors  and streaks of lightning  appeared   and the earth trembled along  with forests and oceans.                                                          65.48
Terrifying looking foxes  howled   with  burning morsels in their mouth   and birds  flew in circles   from right to left.                                                                                                                                         65.49
A vulture came and sat on the spear  of Kumbhakarna as he was marching on the road   and his left eye twitched   and his left arm throbbed.                                                                                            65.50  
A burning meteor   fell down   with huge sound  , the sun became lusterless   and wind was not blowing comfortably  .                                                                                                                                    65.51
Not bothering about these evil omens    which caused his hair to stand erect , Kumbhakarna marched on  , driven  by fate.                                                                                                                               65.52
After crossing the ramparts by feet  , that mountain like Kumbhakarna   saw   the wonderful army of monkeys   who looked like a thick spread  of clouds.                                                              65.53
Then those monkeys who saw the Rakshasa chief  looking like  a mountain  , like the cloud dispersed by  wind    ran away from there.                                                                                                      65.54
Noticing   that highly fierce army of monkeys, running away to different directions , similar   to  a net-work of broken clouds, that Kumbhakarna with the hue of a black cloud, highly rejoiced  and  repeatedly  gave out  a roar-like thunder.                                                                                                   65.55
Hearing his terrific roar, similar to the rumbling of the  cloud in the sky, many of those monkeys fell down on the ground, like Sala  trees cut-up by the roots.                                                  65.56
  That great Kumbhakarna   carrying a huge iron rod  and marching   for the destruction of his enemies  looked like Lord Yama   with his punishing rod   at the  time of deluge  and caused great fear among the monkeys.                                                                                                                                     65.57

Thus ends the sixty  fifth    chapter of the book of war   of Valmiki Ramayana    which is the first  book
66. The monkey army shivers before Kumbhakarna

(When Kumbhakarna marched in to the battle field, most of the monkeys started running away. Angadha and other monkey leaders try yo dissuade them.   Mostly they fail in their mission.)

After crossing the ramparts  of Lanka  , that great one who was similar to a mountain   quickly marched out of  the city.                                                                                                                                              66.1
He shouted loudly  make the sea shiver . the mountains shake  and making the thunder look small  before his voice.                                                                                                                                             66.2
Seeing that Rakshasa with a very huge eyes , who could not be defeated  by  Indra , the lord of clouds  or Yama the God of death and Varuna the God  of ocean ,   all  the monkeys ran away.                        66.3
Seeing them running away   Angadha , the son of Vali  told like this to Nala, Nila  Gavaksha and  the mighty Kumuda as follows.                                                                                                                           66.4
“Where are you going  like  common monkeys  , forgetting your valour and nobility    and trembling with fear .”                                                                                                                                                                66.5
“Oh gentle monkeys return and why are you protecting your lives? This Rakshasa is not  a great expert in war   but he is   a mere  toy of terror.”                                                                                                     66.6
“Oh great monkeys   by our valour   we shall destroy   this very great toy   produced by the Rakshasas and so please come back.”                                                                                                                        66.7
With difficulty  after convincing themselves  , all of them assembled  and holding trees in their hands  , they proceeded towards   the battle field.                                                                                             66.8
Those monkeys who were like the elephants in rut , after coming back,  with great anger hurriedly hit Kumbhakarna.                                                                                                                                             66.9 
In spite of  being  hit by  lofty mountain tops ,  rocks and flowering trees    that very strong one  did not shake .                                                                                                                                                          66.10
The rocks that   fell on his body broke in to hundreds  of pieces  and those flowering trees broke  and fell on the ground .                                                                                                                                           66.11
He  became greatly enraged and crushed   the  army of monkeys who were  greatly lustrous  like a raging fire wood consume   a forest.                                                                                                                   66.12
Many  great monkey chiefs fell down   on the earth   bathed in blood  , resembling huge trees  with red flowers.                                                                                                                                                         66.13
Without looking back those monkeys jumped and ran from there. While some of them  fell in the  ocean some went to the sky.                                                                                                                                66.14
When some of the Rakshasas playfully killed some of the monkeys  others ran away by the same path by which  they had crossed the ocean.                                                                                                         66.15
Some of the monkeys became  pale faced   due to great fear , some ran away to mounds   and low grounds . Some bears climbed on trees  and some escaped running to the hill.                           66.16
Some were drowned in the ocean. Some escaped  into the caves. Some others escaped but  Some could not even stand stable on the ground and  fell down. Some lied down, as though they were dead. 66.17
When he saw   the monkeys retreating from there  Angadha   spoke these words , “”Stay there. We will now fight the battle  and so you can come back.”                                                                                    66.18
“I can  not to find  a place where you can live after retreating from here, even if  you search all over the world . Why are  you bothered to save your lives. Please come back.”                                                66.19
“Oh monkeys who are  freely running away , seeing you like this running away leaving your weapons here , your wives  would make fun of you and so while living you would be equal to being dead.”66.20
“All of us are born  in well known  greatly established  clans  and why are you  getting scared like ordinary  monkeys .It is ungentlemanly  for you to run away leaving all your valour here.”    66.21-66.22
“Where  did all  the boasting words that  were told by you in front of other people when you departed   for the battle fade away.”                                                                                                                               66.23
“The cowards who survive  would  have to hear berating  from other people and so let us follow the path of good people  and so please   abandon this fear.”                                                                         66.24
“If our fated life span is short then   we shall be killed by enemies, fall down on this earth and reach the land of Brahma, which cannot be attained by bad  warriors.”                                                                66.25
“Let us kill our enemies and attain glory  and fame  and if we are by chance killed   we would attain the heaven of the valorous ones.”                                                                                                                    66.26 
“If Kumbhakarna sees the sons of Kakustha clan, he would not go back alive , like  the moths coming near   a burning fire.”                                                                                                                                  66.27
“Suppose we run away   with intention of protecting our lives  just from one person , our fame would  be destroyed.                                                                                                                                                    66.28
Those monkeys   without valour who were fleeing away  told the following words to  the valorous Angadha   who was wearing a golden armlet.                                                                                    66.29
“The horrifying battle   so far we fought with Kumbhakarna is sufficient for us. Since our life is dear to us , it is not time to stay back but flee from here.”                                                                                66.30
Saying these words , those monkey warriors  who saw the huge bodied Kumbhakarna with huge  eyes  scattered in different directions.                                                                                                          66.31
And those fleeing warrior monkeys after hearing the  coaxing words of Angadha which convinced them returned back.                                                                                                                                          66.32
Having been thus cheered up  by the  son of Vali , those commanders of monkey army   stood waiting  for his command.                                                                                                                                     66.33
Rishabha, Sharabha, Mainda, Dhumra, Neela, Kumuda, sushena, Gavaksha, Rambha, Tara and more particularly Dvipada, Panasa and Hanuman marched ahead very quickly, with their faces turned towards the battle.                                                                                                                                                 66.34

Thus ends the sixty  sixth    chapter of the book of war   of Valmiki Ramayana    which is the first  book

67.Rama kills Kumbhakarna

(A terrible battle takes  place between all the monkey chiefs and Kumbhakarna. He inflicts great punishment on them. When he was trying to Sugreeva inside the city of Lanka   , he bites the ears and nose of Kumbhakarna.  When Lakshmana    tries to fight with him, he marches towards Rama    who kills him.)

Those huge bodied ones who returned  back hearing the words of Angadha  , with a firm resolution were waiting for the battle.                                                                                                                               67.1
All  those monkeys encouraged by the mighty  words of Angadha with greatly increased energy and confidence  were extremely happy since   they were determined to die  and went with determination to abandon their lives  and engaged themselves in a tumultuous battle.                               67.2-67.3
The monkeys taking in their huge trees and the top of the mountains  speedily    ran towards  Kumbhakarna.                                                                                                                                             67.4
The valorous Kumbhakarna  with a huge body   greatly angry lifted  the mace  and drove away all the monkeys after frightening them.                                                                                                             67.5
Seven hundred, eight hundred and thousands  hit by Kumbhakarna lay sprawled  and scattered on the ground .                                                                                                                                                       67.6
The  very angry Kumbhakarna caught  sixteen  or eight  or  ten or even twenty or thirty  monkeys  and started eating them  like Garuda  ate the serpents.                                                                            67.7
Those monkeys whose confidence was restored  with lot of effort  assembled together  and stood on  all sides  of the battle field  with trees and rocks in their hands.                                                           67.8
The great monkey Dvividha uprooted a mountain similar   to a hanging cloud  ran towards Kumbhakarna who stood like a mountain peak.                                                                                                             67.9
That monkey sprang  and hurled that mountain aimed at Kumbhakarna  but it did not reach him  but fell  on his army.                                                                                                                                               67.10
That  best of the mountains crushed   horses, elephants  and chariots and another mountain top crushed the Rakshasas.                                                                                                                                           67,11
The battle field of Rakshasas  became wet  with blood  of the dead Rakshasas , horses and charioteers  killed  by the fall of that mountain.                                                                                                       67.12
The Rakshasas who were riding the chariot who were resembling  the god of death at deluge   made huge sound  and at once  cut off with arrows   the heads of the chiefs  of monkeys .               67.13
The great and strong  monkeys also  uprooted huge trees  and started  destroying  the chariots, horses, camels as well as Rakshasas.                                                                                                                      67.14
Hanuman who stayed on the sky  started   throwing  mountains , rocks and  various trees   aimed at the head of Kumbhakarna.                                                                                                                                 67.15
That Kumbhakarna  with his spear broke those mountain tops  and shattered those trees which were being  rained on him.                                                                                                                                   67.16
AT this holding  the fierce spear ,  Kumbhakarna  ran towards  that fierce army  but in front of him Hanuman stood holding  a mountain peak in his hands.                                                                     67.17
Then with great anger he struck Kumbhakarna  with great speed using the very huge  mountain  and Kumbhakarna stumbled a little  with his succulent limbs bleeding slightly .                                   67.18
He who was  looking like a lustrous mountain peak  holding that lightning spear tightly  hit Hanuman on the chest  like Lord Subrahmanya  hit the Krouncha mountain    with his great javelin .              67.19
Struck by that mighty  spear on his wide chest  in that battle , Hanuman became perturbed, vomited blood from his mouth  and roared like thunderous clouds  at the time of great deluge.             67.20
When the Rakshasas saw the very perturbed Hanuman  they  suddenly shouted with great joy  and the monkeys felt  restless   and  oppressed with fear  and ran away from the  battle  with Kumbhakarna.
Then after cheering up the army and stopping them,  the very strong  Neela  hurled a mountain top on the  very great Kumbhakarna.                                                                                                                 67.22
Seeing the mountain coming at him Kumbhakarna stuck it with his  fist  and that mountain top  and it  broke in to pieces  and fell down on the ground  with sparks of fire .                                            67.23
The five  very heroic  monkeys, viz. Rishabha, Sharabha, Neela, Gavaksha and Gandhamadana marched ahead quickly towards Kumbhakarna.                                                                                                  67.24
Those five monkeys   struck the large   bodied  Kumbhakarna  from all sides  with stones, tress, palm of their hands and feet.                                                                                                                                 67.25
Kumbhakarna felt that those blows were merely touches and was not perturbed and he  caught hold of the agitated  Rishabha in his hands.                                                                                                      67.26  
Hurt by the hands  of Kumbhakarna  that great monkey  and fell down with blood coming  out of his mouth.                                                                                                                                                         67.27
Then, in  that great fight , the  very angry  Kumbhakarna, the enemy of Indra, beat Sharabha with his fist and Neela with his knee, struck Gavaksha with the palm of his hand and struck Gandhamadana violently with his feet.                                                                                                                                    67.28-67.29
Greatly  perturbed by the blows    received by them being made wet by blood , the monkeys  got scared and fell down  like a chopped Kimsuka tree.                                                                                        67.30
Seeing the  great monkey chiefs falling on earth , thousands of monkeys  ran towards Kumbhakarna.
Those very strong monkey heroes, who were similar to mountains  climbed on him  who was himself looking like a huge mountain , jumped on him and also bit him.                                                        67.32
Those bull like monkeys  attacked Kumbhakarna    with nails, teeth , fists and arms .                   67.33  
That mountain like Kumbhakarna  , with thousands of monkeys climbing on him looked like  a mountain full of overgrown trees.                                                                                                                               67.34   
That very strong one  caught all of  them by his hands and started eating them like Garuda   starts eating the serpents.                                                                                                                                                   67.35  
 Being thrown in his mouth which looked like  a nether world  , those monkeys came out of his ears and nostrils.                                                                                                                                                            67.36
That great Rakshasa who was equal to a mountain  became very angry , broke the monkeys  before he started eating them.                                                                                                                                    67.37  
That Rakshasa  made the earth wet with blood and flesh , like an excited fire at the time of deluge  and 
started walking here and there   among the monkey armies.                                                              67.38
Like Indra with his Vajrayudha    and  like the Yama, the god of death     with his  Goad , Kumbhakarna who was armed with the spear shined.                                                                                                     67.39
Like the fire  burning  the dried up forest in the autumn , Kumbhakarna was swiftly burning away    the monkey army.                                                                                                                                                  67.40    
Those monkeys without a commander   and having their warriors been killed with a great fear roared in rebellious   voices.                                                                                                                                           67.41
When Kumbhakarna was killing large number of monkeys , the monkeys with distressed mind sought  the protection of Rama.                                                                                                                                 67.42
Seeing those defeated monkeys Angadha , the grandson of Indra  ran   with great speed towards  Kumbhakarna.                                                                                                                                               67.43
Holding a peak of mountain in his hand and roaring again and again , making the Rakshasas scared  he followed Kumbhakarna  and threw the peak of the mountain  on the head of Kumbhakarna.     67.44
Struck on his head  by the king of the mountain  by the enemy , Kumbhakarna  shined in great anger and Struck with great speed  the very angry     son of Vali.                                                               67.45-67.46
Kumbhakarna with his very great roar scared all the monkeys  and threw  his spear  on Angadha    with great anger.                                                                                                                                                   67.47
But that    expert in warfare   knowing that spear was going to fall on him , that  great monkey chief  who was very strong  artfully avoided it .                                                                                                        67.48
Speedily jumping up  Angadha stuck   the chest of Kumbhakarna with his palm violently  in anger and thus struck , the mountain like Kumbhakarna became   giddy.                                                          67.49
When he regained his consciousness , that very strong Rakshasa  threw down Angadha by hitting him with his fist  and Angadha fell down unconsciousness.                                                                        67.50
When the tiger like great monkey fell on the earth , Kumbhakarna holding his spear   ran towards Sugreeva , the king of Rakshasas.                                                                                                             67.51
Seeing the very strong Kumbhakarna   rushing towards him ,  the valorous Sugreeva, the king of monkeys sprang up  all at once.                                                                                                                 67.52
He lifting a top of the mountain  and tightly holding it  Sugreeva ran towards  the very strong Kumbhakarna with great   speed.                                                                                                              67.53
Seeing that Sugreeva was dangerously coming towards   him , Kumbhakarna braced all his limbs  and stood facing the king of monkeys.                                                                                                           67.54
Seeing Kumbhakarna   who had his body coated with   monkey blood   as he had several great monkeys, Sugreeva told him.                                                                                                                                     67.55
“You have done a very difficult job my making  great  monkeys fall  and have earned much greater fame by eating them.  “                                                                                                                                          67.56
“Leave out those monkeys  . What will you do with common beings.? And now try to bear this mountain which is going to be hurled by me.”                                                                                                         67.57
Hearing    those words of strength as spoken by the king of monkeys , that tiger like Rakshasa Kumbhakarna told .                                                                                                                                      67,58
“Oh monkey, you are the grand son of Brahma, being the son   Riksharaja  and you are endowed with firmness and valour . Why are you  roaring?”                                                                                          67.59
After hearing the words of Kumbhakarna  Sugreeva who was holding the mountain firmly  hurled it and it struck Kumbhakarna  on his chest  and it was as strong as Vajrayudha of Indra.                          67.60
AS soon as it struck his  broad chest   that top of the mountain   was destroyed in to pieces  and the monkeys were greatly distressed and Rakshasas   rejoiced and roared.                                            67.61
Struck on his chest by the mountain top , Kumbhakarna became very angry and shouted  in a loud voice with mouth open due to anger  and then he threw his shining spear for the sake of killing   the king of the monkeys.                                                                                                                                                  67.62
Then the son of wind god , jumped up and held that  very sharp , ornamented  with golden wreath which was thrown by hands of Kumbhakarna  and broke it repeatedly .                                            67.63
Then that  happy Hanuman    placed his knee on the spear made of twenty thousand measures of iron  and broke it.                                                                                                                                                    67.64
The monkey army rejoiced at seeing Hanuman breaking  that spear  and roared loudly several times and came back from all  directions.                                                                                                                     67.65
Then the scared Rakshasa became listless  and all the monkeys  made the roar of a lion , seeing the broken condition  of the spear  and they respected  Hanuman.                                                            67.66
Seeing that his great spear being broken  that way , that great leader of Rakshasas  became angry and uprooted the peak of the Malaya  mountain  which was near Lanka  and going near Sugreeva beat him with it .                                                                                                                                                               67.67
Hit by the mountain  Sugreeva   fell unconscious on the ground  and seeing him lose his consciousness  in the battle ground the  monkeys  became very sad.                                    67.68
That king of Rakshasas  caught hold of Sugreeva   who  had a wonderful strength  and Kumbhakarna took him away like a wind takes away a cloud.                                                                                          67.69
Then Kumbhakarna who was shining like  mount Meru  having a formidable peak ,  lifted up Sugreeva  who was lying like a huge cloud  in the sky .                                                                                                67.70
Then praised   by the Rakshasas who were involved in the battle  and hearing the sound of the devas   wondering about  the imprisonment  of Sugreeva the valiant chief of Rakshasas further marched.67.71
Having caught hold  of Sugreeva   who was looking like Indra, that Kumbhakarna who was the enemy of Indra  and who had strength of Indra  and thought, “If this Sugreeva is killed ,all his army including Rama   would be destroyed.”                                                                                                                                         67.72
That very intelligent Hanuman who was the son of wind god,  seeing his army of monkeys were running away  and Sugreeva being taken away thought .                                                                                          67.73
“What  act can be done by me   when Sugreeva has been caught ? I shall definitely do   an act  of justice now. Growing in to a size of  a mountain  I shall  kill this Kumbhakarna.”                                67.74-67.75
“Let all the monkeys become happy  when I release the king of monkeys   and the body of Kumbhakarna is crumbled by my blows of my fists and killed in the battle.”                                                               67.76
“Apart from this our king himself   can get his freedom  , even if he is caught  by devas   including Rakshasas and serpents.”                                                                                                                               67.77
“I have a feeling that   that the king of monkeys is unconscious  due to  his being smashed  by Kumbhakarna   by a mountain.”                                                                                                                   67.78
“Within a moment Sugreeva  would regain his consciousness  in this great  battle  and  do what is good for himself and monkeys.  “                                                                                                                                67.79
“If  I am able to give  freedom to  Sugreeva  now there would be great painful  dislike for Kumbhakarna  and reduction in his fame.”                                                                                                                              67.80        
“Because of that I would wait for a short time , so that the king can exhibit his prowess and till that time I would   console the army   of monkeys.”                                                                                                67.81
Thinking like this , that Hanuman who was the son of wind god  again brought firm order in the large army of monkeys.                                                                                                                                         67.82
Taking the great monkey who was breathing  , Kumbhakarna entered the city of Lanka , where he was greatly honoured  by showers  of best of flowers   by those citizens who were  residing in towers  , streets , houses and spires.                                                                                                                        67.83    
Served   by the showers  in the royal avenues   of  popped rice  and scented water  which were cool , the very strong Sugreeva regained his consciousness slowly.                                                                    67.84
The great Sugreeva   who was lying   on the shoulders of the mighty Kumbhakarna . after he regained consciousness , observed the royal avenue and thought .                                                               67.85
“After having been caught this way, what  am I  suppose to do? It would be better   if I do a suitable action that would be beneficial to the monkeys.”                                                                              67.86
Thinking that way  that monkey chief  tore  the ears and nose of that enemy of Indra, by his teeth, ribs and feet.                                                                                                                                                       67.87
Torn by   the teeth and nails  of Sugreeva , Kumbhakarna lost his ears as well as nose  and his body was coated with blood  and becoming greatly angry, he threw Sugreeva down on earth   and crushed him.  
Crushed on the floor by the very huge Kumbhakarna of great strength  and struck by the other Rakshasas, Sugreeva  moved with great speed  like a ball towards the sky and    went  near Rama.
The very strong Kumbhakarna without his nose and ears   , with the blood pouring out of those wounds   resembled a mountain with waterfalls.                                                                                                    67.90
Bathed in blood   that very huge Rakshasa who was the brother of Ravana  had a frightful look   and  vomited blood  and looked like a mountain of  black collyrium  and shined like a cloud  in the light of dusk .And turning his face towards the battle ground , that huge Rakshasas made up his mind to  fight further in the battle.                                                                                                                         67.91-67.92
After Sugreeva went away  , that enemy of Indra   with great anger   marched  towards the battle field   and realizing that he does not have any weapon , he took a mace in his hand.                             67.93
That great one who   left the city with speed   then started eating the huge army of monkeys  like the blazing fire at the time of final deluge.                                                                                                  67.94
Going inside  huge army of monkeys, Kumbhakarna who was very hungry   ate  flesh  and blood , due to his deep  illusion  in the   battle and  ate away even the Rakshasas , monkeys and bears. He swallowed  the  monkey chiefs   just as the death devours people at the time of the end of the world.       67.95
He caught hold of the monkeys as well  as  Rakshasas in ones, twos  , threes and in many numbers   and started   hurling them inside his mouth.                                                                                                 67.96
Being beaten by huge mountains by those monkeys   that very strong one  gushed out blood  and flesh  but continued to eat the monkeys.                                                                                                           67.97
Those monkeys who were being eaten away   went and sought the protection of Rama   and the hugely angry Kumbhakarna  ,continued eating the monkeys and marched ahead.                                    67.98
Catching hold of  hundred, a seven, an eight, a twenty and a thirty monkeys  with his hands ,that  Kumbhakarna was swallowing  the monkeys and running about in the battle field.                    67.99
With his entire body covered with blood, flesh  and marrow   and  with wreaths of  viscera hanging over his ears , that Rakshasa with sharp teeth  rained spears at those monkeys  and looked like the God of death   rising up at the   time of final   deluge.                                                                                    67.100
At that time Lakshmana  the son of Sumithra    who was the killer of his enemy armies  with great anger   started to fight with him.                                                                                                                           67.101
That valorous one   pierced the body of Kumbhakarna with seven arrows  and took many more arrows and shot at him.                                                                                                                                            67.102
Troubled by those arrows  of Lakshmana, that Rakshasa completely destroyed them  and then the very strong Lakshmana flew in to further rage.                                                                                              67.103
Then Lakshmana covered Kumbhakarna ‘s golden  shining   armour with his arrows    , like a gale completely making a cloud disappear.                                                                                                     67.104
Then that Rakshasa who resembled a mountain of collyrium  who was greatly troubled by those arrows shined in his golden ornaments  like a sun  hidden by  the clouds.                                                        67.105
Then that huge Rakshasas spoke to  the one who increased the happiness of Sumithra in a disrespectful manner in a voice resembling the sound of multiple clouds.                                                              67.106
“You have announced your valour in this battle by fearlessly  attacking me, who has even conquered    the god of death.”                                                                                                                                      67.107 
“Any one who can stand before me   who is like a god of death holding a weapon   in this battle deserves to be honoured    and what to say of one who wages a fight against me.”                                        67.108
“Indra, the lord of devas riding on his Iravatha   elephant  was not able to  sand before  me in a battle.”
“Oh son of Sumithra,    I greatly appreciate   your strength as well as valour  but taking leave from you,  I would like to fight   with  Rama.”                                                                                                               67.110
“Though I am extremely happy  with your valour , strength and  exuberance  in this battle , I would like to fight alone with Rama and kill him so that this army would be also killed.”                                   67.111
“As soon as I kill Rama  in this battle,  I would make my army fight with those who remain here and get all of them killed.  “                                                                                                                                         67.112
Addressing that Rakshasa who spoke   to him words of praise  , Lakshmana laughingly told these   terrifying words.                                                                                                                                               67.113
“Oh Valorous one , you told me   about your  unbearable valour when you faced  Lord Indra   and I also saw your  valour and saw  that it is true ,  . See That   Rama   who is standing there like a stable mountain.”                                                                                                                                                        67.114
Hearing it , the very strong Rakshasas  Kumbhakarna  ignored Lakshmana, crossed past him and ran towards Rama , making  the earth shake like an earth quake.                                                  67.115-67.116
Then Rama the son of Dasaratha  sent  the  sharp Roudhra   arrow, aimed at the chest of Kumbhakarna. 
While  the very angry Kumbhakarna was running towards Rama , he was stuck by this arrow   and flames of fire mixed  with charcoal   came out from his face.                                                                              67.118
That very great Rakshasa who was    struck by the arrow of Rama Roared terribly in great anger and driving   away the monkeys  in the battle  , ran himself towards Rama.                                               67.119
Those arrows   decorated with the plumes of peacock   went in to his chest  and his mace fell off from his hand and  he fell on the ground.                                                                                                     67.120
Then all  his weapons fell down and got scattered on the floor  and the very strong one without any weapons , thought himself as a weapon  and   fought fiercely   with his fists and arms.                  67.121
Kumbhakarna whose body was pierced by arrows  which struck fiercely , due to profuse bleeding looked like   mountain  pouring forth cascades.                                                                                                      67.122
Due to extreme anger  and numbed  by the blood flow   he went on wandering swallowing the monkeys Rakshasas and bears.                                                                                                                                     67.123
Then   that huge bodied one of great valour uprooted   a mountain   and threw  that fearful mountain peak  on Rama .                                                                                                                                              67.124
Before that   peak of the mountain reached  Rama , he using his well known bow and  seven arrows which travel straight  broke the      mountain in the middle .                                                                67.125
Then Rama the elder brother of Bharata    who observed Dharma  split that large mountain peak   using   his variegated arrows  of gold.                                                                                                                     67.126
That Meru like mountain peak which was shining  with splendor  while falling down caused two hundred monkeys to  fall down.                                                                                                                                    67.127
At that time Lakshmana the follower of Dharma   after thinking about various strategies   to kill Kumbhakarna   spoke to Rama.                                                                                                                       67.128
“Oh king, He is not able to differentiate between monkeys and Rakshasas and possibly by the intoxication caused by the smell of blood  , he is not able  to recognize  his persons and others.”    67.129
“Let the monkey chiefs climb on him  from all sides  and let the monkey soldiers  follow their leaders
Stand round him .”                                                                                                                                             67.130
“When we do that  due the very heavy weight resting on him , that evil minded Rakshasas could be made to crawl  on the ground and then he  cannot kill other monkeys.                                                 67.131
Hearing those words of the prince who was intelligent  the monkeys climbed on the body of Kumbhakarna and rested there.                                                                                                                  67.132 
When   the monkeys climbed up on Kumbhakarna , he became greatly anger   and violently shook off all of them like a violent elephant shakes off its mahout.                                                                            67.133
Rama seeing the monkeys ,  understanding that Kumbhakarna was angry , being shaken off
jumped up and went towards that Rakshasa armed with  an excellent bow.                              67,,134
The very valorous  Rama with eyes   red due to anger   and appearing capable of burning everything  walked with great speed   marched   towards that Rakshasa called Kumbhakarna  causing joy to the monkey leaders .                                                                                                                                 67.135-67.136
Holding that excellent a variegated   gold ornamented  bow which looked like a serpent   and having a firmly fastened cord to  it  and with a quiver full of excellent arrows  tied on his back  Rama quickly marched   forward.                                                                                                                                           67.137
The very strong and valorous Rama  who was very difficult to be defeated   accompanied by Lakshmana  marched ahead   surrounded by the army   of monkeys.                                                                          67.138
Then he  saw  the great Kumbhakarna  who was   a terror to his enemies and who was wearing a crown  , with eyes red with great anger.                                                                                                                      67.139
Rama saw him angry , searching and  chasing away the monkeys like the elephants guarding directions   and surrounded   by the very angry Rakshasas.                                                                                          67.140
Rama saw that Kumbhakarna, looking like Vindhya and Mandara mountains, adorned with armlets of gold, emitting blood from his mouth and appearing alike  a rising rainy cloud.                                    67.141
Rama saw him licking his blood drenched  corners of his mouth   and trampling    on the army of monkeys  and looking like Yama   the God of death.                                                                                   67.142
Seeing that   chief of Rakshasas  who was looking like a burning flame  , that excellent  man stretched his bow .                                                                                                                                                                     67.143
That great Rakshasa not able to tolerate    the twang sound   of the bow  ran  towards   Raghava.  67.144
Then Rama spoke   the dashing Kumbhakarna   , looking similar to a cloud driven by the wind   and whose arms were looking like the coiled serpent Vasuki .                                                                          67.145
“Oh leader of Rakshasas, please come   and do not be sad .I am standing here holding the bow in my hand.  Please know me as   the destroyer of Rakshasa clan,  I would be killing you   within a second.”    
Knowing that he is Rama , he laughed in a rebellious tone  and being enraged  towards the monkeys he drove them away.                                                                                                                                               67.147
As if he wanted to break   the heart   of all the monkeys   , he laughed loudly and unnaturally , resembling the thunder of a cloud  and spoke the following words to Rama.                                        67.148
'I am not  Viradha nor Kabandha nor Khara nor Vali nor Mareecha. I am  Kumbhakarna has  who arrived here."                                                                                                                                                                   67.149
“Please see this great and huge  mace  which is  completely made  of iron  and I have conquered   devas and Dhanavas   with it.”                                                                                                                                  67.150
“You should not treat me   with contempt for not  having nose and ears as I do not have even a little agony   for losing my ears and nose.”                                                                                                           67.151
“Oh tiger of the Ikshuvaku clan show your prowess on my limbs  and after  seeing your valour and heroism I would eat you up.”                                                                                                                          67.152
After hearing these words of Kumbhakarna  Rama ,  released arrows with plumes  and though they struck with the speed of the thunderbolt , The Rakshasa was not shaken nor affected.                 67.153
Those arrows which pierced the Sala trees  and also killed the monkey chief Vali  could not  hurt the diamond like  body  of Kumbhakarna.                                                                                                            67.154
His body   took in those arrows like a mountain takes in water  and that Kumbhakarna   using his hammer with terrible   speed  and stopped arrows of Rama coming with terrible speed.                   67.155
Then using with great  speed   that hammer smeared with blood , which is capable  of frightening the army of devas , he scared away the army of monkeys.                                                                            67.156
Rama hurled a divine arrow called Vayavya  at the  Rakshasa  and  chopped off his hand   along with the hammer  and with his arm chopped off he roared greatly  .                                                                    67.157
His hand   which resembled the peak of a mountain  chopped off by the arrows of Rama along with I the hammer  fell on the monkey army  and killed that army  of monkeys.                                                 67.158
Those monkeys  who had escaped being broken or killed , though unhappy with their   tormenting limbs changing their sides  saw the horrifying battle between the king and the lord of  the Rakshasas.  67.159
Having one of his arm being cut  off by an arrow , that Kumbhakarna  uprooted a sala  tree  with his other hand  and ran towards the  lord of men , in that battle.                                                        67.160
Rama using the  Indra arrow  which was decorated by peculiar gold pattern cut   off that hand which held the Sala tree  which resembled  a coiled serpent.                                                                     67.161
That arm of Kumbhakarna   which resembled a  hill  when chopped off fell  down on the ground  and moving here and there  it dashed against  trees, rocks, monkeys and Rakshasas                        67.162
Seeing  that Kumbhakarna with his arms chopped off was , coming abruptly   upon him , Rama taking two sharp arrows with a shape of a half-moon each, chopped off the feet of the Rakshasa  in that battle.
Those feet fell down creating a very huge sound   everywhere and in all directions  and even in caves, in the great ocean, in the city of Lanka  and also in the army of monkeys and Rakshasas.                67.164
Widely opening his  mouth like fire of the digestion  and roaring Kumbhakarna  whose arms and feet were cut off, ran  on thighs quickly towards Rama,    like Rahu towards    the moon.             67.165
Rama filled up the mouth of the Rakshasa with sharp arrows having gold covering and with mouth full of arrows Kumbhakarna  was not able to speak and fainted.                                                                  67.166
Then Rama got hold of Indra arrow(Indrasthra) , shining like sun  and resembled  the staff of Lord Brahma and also  like the weapon of the God of death , which was sharp and had the speed of wind. 
That arrow decorated with gold and inlaid with diamond  was shining like  the dazzling sun as well as fire and competed in speed with the Vajrayudha of Indra.                                                                   67.168
That arrow shot by Rama was resembling the smokeless fire  and had the energy of Indra ’s Vajrayudha  illuminated all the ten directions  and proceeded forward.                                                           67.169
That Rama cut off the head of Kumbhakarna which was like a huge mountain peak , which had well rounded protruding teeth  and was   wearing quivering  silver ear rings , similar  the chopping off of the head of Vrithra    by lord Indra.                                                                                                             67.170
The great head of Kumbhakarna   which was adorned by ear studs  shined like the moon when the Punarvasu star has risen up at  night.                   .                                                                              67.171                                                                              That head which fell after it was hit by the arrow of Rama  broke  the buildings on the royal avenue , the gates of royal avenue  and also broke a high rampart.                                                                     67.172
Then the  huge body of the Rakshasa  which had great splendor  fell in to the sea and it crushed alligators , pretty fishes and snakes  and entered the bowels of the earth.                                  67.173
When the very strong Kumbhakarna  who was the enemy of Brahmins  and devas was killed , the entire earth shook  along with the mountains and the devas roared with joy .                                      67.174
Then the Deva sages, great sages , serpents , devas , bhoothas , Suparna birds , Guhyakas  , troops of Yakshas and Gandharwas  who were standing in the sky rejoiced.                                                 67.175
By mere   sight of Rama , the relations of Ravana were greatly perturbed at his killing of Kumbhakarna  who was very intelligent and roared like elephants who happened to see  a lion.                      67.176
Like the Sun shines in the world of devas  after getting out of the mouth of Rahu , Rama  shined in the  midst of monkey army after killing Kumbhakarna in a battle.                                                          67.177
Several monkeys were overjoyed  with their faces  looking like a fully open lots flower  and honoured Rama , who was difficult to be attacked  and is a  beloved young man possessing terrible strength.
After killing Kumbhakarna  who had earlier tormented the army of devas  and who never faced defeat  at any time in great battles, the elder brother of Bharatha  became  happy like Indra became happy after killing Vruthrasura.                                                                                                                                    67.179

Thus ends the sixty  seventh   chapter of the book of war   of Valmiki Ramayana    which is the first  book

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